Paul Desreumaux

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Paul tarafından paylaşılan forum yazıları

  • Forum

    Erasmus Cassino 2015 / 2016 (English)

    Yes i have found a room in the center of Cassino. Finally it's not so difficult, There are many phone number for accomodation in the front of the faculties. You can also found it by an immobiliare agency. The international office can help you too in your arrival, there...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Cassino 2015 / 2016 (English)

    Hi everyone !  I'm just arived at Cassino. It would be great to make a meeting between erasmus student already arrived at Cassino. We could get to know each other and talking about our accommodation (like you I'm in research :D). See you in Cassino and good luck  ;)

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