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Certified B2 DELF graduated in linguistic and cultural mediation

  • flag-it Mariangela · Teaches: Fransızca
    Speaks: İngilizceC1 · İspanyolcaB1 · FransızcaC1 · GermanB2 · İtalyancaNative

HY! Bonjour! Hallo! Hola! I'm Mariangela from Italy. I would like to be a teacher because i love teaching languages like italian, english, or french.I'm graduated in linguistic and cultural mediation and I have 2 Erasmus experiences: the first in Mannheim, Germay, and the other one in Natens, France. I love languages and new cultures, in paticular I love french.

3 yıl önce

Tags: Lessons

8 € / per hour

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