carmen prisco
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
Hi, i'm Carmen, an italian student. I'm looking for a room in a shared appartment
Someone need a roommate or could give me ìsome advice on finding a home? :)
Sara Elhm
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
Hello! My name is Sara, i'm from Spain. Me and a friend are looking for some roomates. We are going to Vilna from february to june.
Sara Elhm
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
Hi! I'm Sara, i study nursing in Valencia and i will be studying at Vilna from february to june 2022. Me and a friend are looking for roomates so if you are interested feel free to contact me! I speak fluent spanish, french and english. We both would like to meet new people, from spain and from other countries!
Mickaël Berlivet
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
Hi! I'm Mickael from france and i'll study languages at Vilniaus Universitetas from January to June. I'm also looking for roomates and especially internation roomates so it's wonderful you're spanish (I also need to practice my spanish because mine is terrible).
I don't really know how I can contact you so if you know how please tell me how to and contact me!
Kind regards.
Giulia Riolfo
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
Hi everyone! I'm Giulia, I'm from italy and I'm going to study Economics at KSU in Vilnius from january till june. I'm looking for roomates to share the apartment and the fun of the experience :)
I speak english, french and spanish and I would like to make some international friends.
if someone is interested into sharing an apartment please contact me.
Thanks XOXO
Giulia Riolfo
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
Hi everyone! I'm Giulia, I'm from italy and I'm going to study Economics at KSU in Vilnius from january till june. I'm looking for roomates to share the apartment and the fun of the experience :)
I speak english, french and spanish and I would like to make some international friends.
if someone is interested into sharing an apartment please contact me
Thanks XOXO
Guillem Fradera
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
I'm an industrial engineering student from Barcelona. I will arrive to Vilnius in the 1st of February. I will study in the Vilnius Tech. I wanted to know people who will stay there since february to the end of the course.
Adrián Moreno
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
Hi guys,
Im Adrian, l'm from Madrid and I'm going to study at ISM from february to june. I am a very easy-going person, passionate about sports and nature, and ready to have some fun in Vilnius. I just discovered my destination and im looking for accommodation. If someone has left any space in their apartment or has any recommendations about where to stay pls contact me.
Best wishes :))
Mehmet Ulaş
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
Hello, I'm Ulas! ?
I'm coming to Vilnius Academy of Arts this semester as an exchange student. It will be great to meet new people and get to know different cultures!
Hope to see you there! ✌️
Nicolás Simarro
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
Heeyyyyyyyyy!! My name is Nicolas, but everyone calls me Parri. I study Computer Engineering in Ciudad Real (Spain) and I am also going to Vilnius for the whole course of the next course that comes. it would be great to make friends :))
Kristian Fassari
Yazılan 2 yıl önce
hi.. i ll go in erasmus at VU faculty of LAW , is there a erasmus group for this year 2021/22??
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