Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Universidad de Fontys, TILBURG

1 gönderinin 2-2 tanesi gösteriliyor


Hola soy Raquel, en Agosto-Septiembre voy a estar en TIlburg estudiando en la Universidad de Fontys y me encantaría conocer gente!:)

Hi Raquel, I'm Nicolas and I come from France ! I'll come in Tilburg in September too for my Erasmus Programm.

I don't speak really good Spanish unfortunatelly, but maybe you are good at English as well ?

If you are still interested to meet people I'm also searching some people to hang out during my stay in Tilburg as I don't know too much people in this city :)

Let me know ;)

1 gönderinin 2-2 tanesi gösteriliyor


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