Will Hall
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
Hi everyone,
I'm arriving in Siena tomorrow (30th September) for a year. Studying Law and looking forward to picking up new languages!
aysenur kucuksipahi
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
Hello everyone ,
I'm Aysenur from Istanbul.I will be in Siena on february 1-28 for EILC course.That's why i am looking for a flat to stay. Is there someone who can help me or want to find a roommate? Thank you very much :))
Seth Fisher
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
I'm an American undergraduate student currently studying in France through ISEP. I have created a wiki to allow students who have already studied through an ISEP program or who are currently studying in an ISEP program to share information they have gathered during their experiences. Students often find themselves lost or anxious for information about their programs a few months before departure as well as the first few weeks in their host country. The information on the wiki could help students who are currently participating in ISEP programs or who are going to depart for a program in the coming months. This wiki is not affiliated with ISEP Central.
You can add information to the page created for the countries where you have studied. The universities pages are also good places to share information specific to the city where you studied. I have created pages for all participating ISEP universities in the United States and abroad, including your university's program. Each page has suggested headings and topics, but you may share whatever information you feel will be helpful to current and future students participating in ISEP programs. Thank you for your help!