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Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)

Tarafından açılan konu flag-es Erasmusu Staff — 13 yıl önce

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Hey Patrycja, I'm going to USC for a year also. Where r u from? What classes r u planning to take (I'm also in Economics & Business Dpt.)? Do you spanish? I don't have spanish at all, a bit worried how am I going to take classes(. When r u planning to arrive?

I don't  know exactly what classes I choose probably I will change them when I come to Santiago. My Spanish is also not good but I thing will be good :) And like the rest, all of you speak good in Spanish ? Can anyone tell me something more about the Spanish course. Where can I find information about it ?

Santiago De Compostela University openning courses.If you tick the box  when you fill online application you can enter the courses.It is 50 euros. I read it before.Short course is free..

here is the page of Erasmus Intensive Language Courses (EILC) - they are free, you apply via your home university, but it's not Spanish (=Castellano) Course, but Gallego.


I have a question about learning agreement. There are two columns "Course unit title HOME INSTITUTION" and "Course unit title HOST INSTITUTION (Santiago)". whether these items must be the same if is such a posibility ? or can I choose the items that interest me ? First time on learning agreement I see that you have to list the items that we have in our home university. 

Dear Patrycja you will choose your classes from you next semester at your home university and you will choose same or similar classes in Santiago de Compostela University ( Host University) and you need to choose minimum 24 credits Max. 35 credits. Sometimes one class can be 7-8 credits in Santiago de Compostela and your home university classes 3-4 credits.I matched 2 classes with1 classes. I choosed similar 2 classes in my home university and I choose 1 class in Santiago de Compostela University.They are similar.Santiago de Compostela  class is 7.5 credit my two classes total credits 6 credits.It matched. Your coordinator must do it in your university.

Hi there, my name is Wojtek and I'll be in Santiago de Compostela between February and July 2013 :) As far as I'm concerned, I need to deal with my exam session right now, so any formal requirements, like e.g. Learning Agreement, are not priorities for me right now :P I just wanted to introduce myself, I also study law (similar to some girls before me in this forum) and I hope that people like Manuel will help me to make this great adventure easier :)

Looking forward to meet Ya all!

FYI, just like Ali, I can't speak Spanish at all (yet!), but don't worry man, heads won't roll ;)


I'm elena from Rome I'ill be in Santiago on August I hope to spend  an amazing period here:)

Someone is looking for a flat from the end of August?? And above all who's gonna study languages?:)

Ciao Elena,

anche io sono italiana e frequenterò il primo semestre a Santiago nella Facoltà di Lingue.

Studio a Torino, frequento il primo anno di Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica...Tu hai già compilato il Learning Agreement?

Ciao Giulia!

Io studio mediazione linguistica e interculturale a Roma:) il Learning Agreement l'ho compilato anche se con non poche difficoltà...ho messo solo 3 esami quindi sicuramente ne dovrò mettere altri/sostituirli con il Change form!L'università stessa ti consiglia di metterne pochi e approssimativi perchè poi bisognerà verificare sul posto se fanno al caso nostro!

Hai già prenotato volo e appartamento??io per ora solo aereo e qualche giorno di ostello..la casa pereferirei vederla di persona:) 

Hi People !!! :D Im Kate and Im going to Santiago for winter term 2012/2013. Im looking for nice flat with nice people at reasonable price ;) If somebody looks for roommate, here I am :D
Greetings !!!!!!!!! :)
Jak to fajnie widzieć kogoś z Polski i to tyle osób już :) Pozdrowienia :)

hi :) i'm Becca, i'm going to study french spanish and italian in Santiago next year, I'm thinking of coming in august and doing the language course- are many people doing this course? I'm looking for flatmates or would just like to get into contact with people before I go over there so it won't be quite as scary!! x

Hi Iìm Elena!

I'm doing the intensive gallego course..it will begins on the 20 th of August but I'll arrive in Santiago on the 23 th..I'm also looking for flatmates but don't be scared It's a university city so I think immediately you will find there guys in your same way:)

can you do the intensive course even if you come later?!

haha, u r right Wojciech, hope it'll be ok)  


thanx Manuel! :)

i'll b studying in Santiago (Campus Norte) - english filology in first semester 2012/2013. And I'd love to share a flat. If anyone looks for a flatmate, pick me! :) What i care about is a nice flat in Santiago that is as near to campus norte as possible, and within a reasonable price.

c u :)

Hi, I emailed about the intensive course and I think it lasts from the end of august through september, but you have to be there for the initial language test on the 29th of July. I could be wrong, but I think that's what I understood from the email. Are you hoping to find flatmates before you arrive, or plan to arrive and stay in a hostel and probably find flatmates on the course? Add me on facebook - Becca Cockayne :) 

Manuel, how much is  the internet in Santiago? what are the most popular/the cheapest options to aquire it?

   I don't really know about the prices, as I'm from Santiago my mother is the one who takes care of the bills so I don't know. But about the quality and popularity I would recommend you to hire internet with "R" or with "Movistar", but I would say you would take care of it once you arrive, furthermore, probably some guys representing the internet/phone companies will stop you around the campus or ring your bell to offer you internet services.

   Anyway, you can always steal the neighbour's wifi... hahaha

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