Dorota Gorecka
Yazılan 14 yıl önce
Let's meet at Las Meigas, C/ BARBIERI 6 at 9 p.m. this Thursday (18.02.). The closest merto stacion is Gran Via.
Hope the place and time is ok so a lot of people will come:)
See you!
just in case: tel. 622448259
raphael castelnuovo
Yazılan 14 yıl önce
Every thursday ther's a meeting for erasmus people from ESN (erasmus student network) in calle de las huertas. There are 2 different bars: one is la lupe and the other one is vassana! Usually people goes there at 10:30/11!
Dorota Gorecka
Yazılan 14 yıl önce
O great, so I will be there. Good to know!
Paola Giulia
Yazılan 14 yıl önce
Hi, everyone!
is there anyone going to CEU San Pablo Universidad, studying LAW?
or maybe can help me with some information?
thanks, have a great night in Madrid!
raphael castelnuovo
Yazılan 14 yıl önce
Liferasmus Liferasmus
Yazılan 14 yıl önce
Hi everybody!
We are an association in Madrid which help erasmus/international student to find an accomodation, to have fun in this fantastic town and so much more...
We remind you our lastest event: ¡Nos Vamos a las fallas!
We have already two bus complete and we are looking for you to complete another one.
Enjoy one of the most typical Spanish festival. Experience the mythical Valencian night with us for only 27 € return ticket.
We go the 19th of March at 9:00 am to arrive in Valencia around 13:00 pm just in time to see la Mascletà.
We come back the 20th at 7:00 am in the same place where we got off the bus.
For more information to book places, send a sms o call us to 655516502 o send an email to [email protected]. Also you can find more information in our facebook account or website.
Remind that we gonna do a break halfway to strengthen! Sandwiches and drinks free =) !
On the agenda of the 19th:
2:00 pm- MASCLETÀ.
10:00 pm - CREMÀ de las Fallas Infantiles.
10:30 pm - CREMÀ de la Falla Infantil que haya obtenido el Primer Premio de la Sección Especial.
11:00pm - CREMÀ de la Falla Infantil de la Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
00:00 am - CREMÀ de todas las Fallas de Valencia.
00:30 am - CREMÀ de la Falla que haya obtenido el Primer Premio de la Sección Especial.
01:00 am – Fireworks in la Plaza del Ayuntamiento and CREMÀ de la Falla.
Don´t waste your time, join us!!!
Minna Lönnberg
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
Hello everybody
Just arrived to Madrid two days ago..I'm going to do my work practises here in Getafe and I'm staying here for 3 months. I was wondering is there any events or parties where I could get connected with people? :)
Javier Ruiz-Gago
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
Hi ! I´m finishing my Comunication and Advertising studies here in Madrid. also I´m working on a videoguide about Madrid´s Nights. With all kind of places. Also if u make fan in facebook u can participate in promotions, free entrances, events invitations and stuff:
Sure it will help u !!
See ya
Marco Layani
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
Hi all! They´ve started a brand new night last week at Yasta Club in the center of Madrid that´s aimed at students (and exchange students in particular). I´ve been there last week and I´ve spent an excellent night, I met a whole bunch of cool people! I ended quite drunk (to say the least) as you pay 8 € to get in and then all the drinks are at cost price (1 € for beers and shots, 2 € for copas!). Musically speaking, they play party electronic music (breaks, dubstep and drum&bass if I´m correct) on a bad ass sound system! I´ll definitively check it out again, probably tomorrow!
If you guys are interested, you can find the club at c/ Valverde 10 (metro Gran Vía); this night I´m talking about is called Jetlag and takes places every tuesday night!
onur umut
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
hi everyone!!! I m gonna come to madrid on september to study at european university of madrid.. see u next semester =))
Javier Ruiz-Gago
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
Hi ! I´m finishing my Comunication and Advertising studies here in Madrid. I´m working on a videoguide about Madrid´s Nights. With all kind of places. Also if u make fan on facebook u can participate in promotions, free entrances, trips to Ibiza, events invitations ...
Sure it will help u !!
See ya
merih dedeler
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
Hey Evetyone, I'll be in Madrid between 15 june-30 september for Erasmus work placement program. I need to find somewhere to stay. I will appreciate if anyone give a suggestion about accommodation? Thanx for now :)
Barış Türkel
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
Hello everyone.. In september Im going to madrid as an erasmus student. ı will study physical education and traning in UCJC (universidad camilo jose cela) which is 30 minute far away from madrid central by bus. Im thinking about hiring a flat in madrid central. if ı can get some nice and funny people till september, we can meet in madrid and find a flat. by the way ı have already found a person who joins me. if you want to join me , you can contact me [email protected] with this e-mail and you can find me on facebook [email protected] with this e-mail. thank you.
Liferasmus Liferasmus
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
quien busque alojamiento que me contacte que en mi casa hay habitaciones disponibles de chicos que han terminado ya sus estudios.
[email protected]
pedro barbosa
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
Hi people!!I'm going on september to madrid...I' ll go study engineering in CSIC!I don't know the city and so I'm looking some place to live in....somebody helps me?!
liferasmus Easyflat
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
Easyflat is a company expecialiced in shared flats for students and young workers in Madrid capital.
You can check all our prices and rooms available in our web site
For any further information please email me [email protected]
liferasmus Easyflat
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
you can find a room in this web and book it from your country.
write the code "easyflatmadrid" to get a discount when you book it.
Javier Ruiz-Gago
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
I rent a home in Villanueva de la Cañada near universidad Alfonso X el Sabio
- 2 rooms
- 2 toillets
- 2 garages park
- trastero 10m2
- pool+gardens
- bus stop (35 min. to Moncloa, Madrid)
(+34) 651 101 603
Rebecca Bairstow
Yazılan 13 yıl önce
Hi Everyone,
Can anyone suggest any good student areas to live in, in Madrid?