Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Erasmus Lisbon 2011 / 2012 (English)

Tarafından açılan konu flag-es Erasmusu Staff — 14 yıl önce

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Hi everyone! My name is Alejandro and I'm going to study in Lisbon from September to June or July ... depends on my exams hehe.
I am looking for a room in an apartment, if more than 2 people to share as possible.
I do not care if they are boys or girls or what country they are, even if they are from another country even better...I have to improve my languages!

Hi, how are you? I found an apartment in Lisbon, is in Almada (Rua do Regil) The price of the room is 300 € and includes electricity, gas, water, community and garage, interested send an email to: [email protected]
I would like it to be an English speaker, but I'm content with it being an open person, friendly, respectful, partying, and mature.

If you want to know more about all events that will happen in Lisbon next year "like" our page in facebook: http://www.facebook.com/erasmusorganization

Or visit our website: http://www.eolisboa.com

Hi guys!
I'm half german and half portuguese and i'm going to study economics at the universidade nova.
I'm going to be in lisbon from the middle of august on and i'd like to meet new people, so I'd love to hear from you...

Hello! An Spanish student here!
I'm going to study architecture in univ. lusofona starting from September.
I'm going to live in Baixa and would like to know people living there or Erasmus in general!

hello everyone,
I'm gonna study law at Universidade Nova from September till January... and can't wait art&architecture of Lisbon and those parties at docas that I heard are the best ones:]

see ya there!

The room in my house for 1 person is available starting October 1.

Hello everyone! I'm from Hungary and from september to february I'm going to study in ESCS in Lisbon. I love meeting new people, so if you are open for a random chat, or even have a good room offer, feel free to write me! ;D cheers

Hi! I´m looking a room in a erasmus flat around the center. If you have something or you want to search whit me write me please!

Hello! I'm brazilian and I'll be in Lisbon from October/2011 until July/2012, studying at Universidade de Lisboa. I'm looking for a room closer to the university.

Hello everyone! I'm pole and I'll studying at UTL. I'm looking for a room, so if You have something free, please write me.
Cheers ;)

Hello!! I'll be studying in Lisbon the whole course, there is someone who study fine arts???

Hi guys! Have you found a house? I haven't yet.. I'm arriving on 8th September!!!!!!!

No, I havent. I arriving on 6th September. We must find something..

Hi! I'm going to Lisboa with a friend, from September to Jaunuary. We are looking for two rooms in the centre!

We are two Erasmus students and we are looking for a Double Room!
We will arrive this week, On Second of September (2/9/2011) and we will stay there 6 months,until February
If you have some Rooms to propose please contact me,i will reply soon!
my email is [email protected]
Claudio & Chiara

who is gonna study at the Universidade de Lisboa?

Hi Davi! I'm gonna study at UL! What are you going to study? =)

Faculdade de Letras and you Paula?

Anche io studierò alla facoltà di lettere! I am gonna study at faculdade de letras,too! When are you going to arrive in Lisbon?

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