Foreing flat partner since October
Tarafından açılan konu Carlos Carretero
— 9 yıl önce
1 gönderinin 1-1 tanesi gösteriliyor
Carlos Carretero
Yazılan 9 yıl önce
Hi I´m a student from Madrid and i´m going to rent a beuatiful flat near to Science faculty with a friend from Badajoz. We are looking for a foreing partner to share the flat in order to practise english and teach spanish. We have not the flat yet but we are close to rent one for 600 euros per month to share betwen 3. We are 22 and 24 years old each other and we are going to study a master since Nobember to June but our idea is to arrive to de flat on October. If you are interested in please contact me and i will show you some pictures of the flat. We are very nice guys who want to enjoy the curse!!!
1 gönderinin 1-1 tanesi gösteriliyor