English Language teaching department
Tarafından açılan konu Nihansu Yurtseven
— 12 yıl önce
1 gönderinin 7-7 tanesi gösteriliyor
Nihansu Yurtseven
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Is there anyone who will attend English language teaching as a second grade? Or other grades can be possible? I need to ask when our lessons start? I know as 24th of September. As I am from Turkey, I need to buy my plane travel ticket as quick as possible. So, do you suggest a date to buy one? Since I don't know whether there will be an orientation week or not, I cannot decide the exact date. If you know any of the answers of those questions, and share them. I will be grateful. Have nice day! :)
Nihansu Yurtseven
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Maestro lengua extranjera is the spanish name of my area. What is yours? Are you from Spain or an Erasmus student?
Juan Manuel
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Im student of the university , give me more things, where do you are maestro lengua extranjera, in what city ?
Nihansu Yurtseven
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
In Turkey I am studying in Ankara in the capital city. In Spain I will study in Granada. Are you a student from that department?
Nihansu Yurtseven
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
It is kind of you to answer so informatively to these questions. :) Thank you! I have bought my tickets to 19th Sep. to Malaga. How can one travel from Malaga to Granada? How many hours do it take? Is there any reservations we need to make?
Bebes Mamas
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
We offer an individual room & bathroom (not in suite). Full board, laundry & cleaning once a week. Internet WIFI. Smoking not allowed. Summer: 2 communitarian swimming pools available. Winter: central heating 5 hs a day. Tennis, football & basketball court. 15 minutes walk from city center. Buses lines that stop at front door and up to 7 minutes walk: Airport Bus, Bus Station, University, night bus & C (University), and metropolitan lines to close towns. Taxi stop 3 minutes walk. Plenty stores around: 5 supermarkets, banks, drugstores, cafeterias, etc.
Check our BLOG http://granadahostfamily.blogspot.com.es/
Familia de 3 +2 gatos ofrece habitacion individual con uso de baño exclusivo a chica estudiante. 3 comidas diarias, Internet, piscina en verano, calefaccion en invierno, etc. por 625€/mes. Si te interesa mira el blog puesto arriba para mas informacion.
1 gönderinin 7-7 tanesi gösteriliyor