Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Erasmus Firenze 2015 / 2016 (English)

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Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Firenze 2015 / 2016!

This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Firenze in 2015 / 2016 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Firenze, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:

Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Firenze or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Firenze.

Livin' la vida Erasmus!

Hi! My name is Clio and I am from Athens. I am going to Florence in September and will stay for 6 months to do the thesis for my master degree. To be honest I am a little scared and I would like to get to know other foreign students before arriving.

Hi again!! I forgot to mention that I have studied Biology and my master is in Molecular Biology and Genetics. 

That's all!! 

Hi , i am coming to florence in september for getting master programme in interior design  in FDA. I am from turkey. that's all :D 

Hi Yufuf!! Nice to meet you! How long will you stay in Florence?

Hi ! I m Lucile, 21 year old girl from Toulouse (France )I study medicine. I m coming at the end of september during one year. I’m looking for a place in the center of Florence, a single room in a shared apartment.  I’m easy turn,open minded, social and I d like to meet new people .I speak French, English, and a little of Italian.

Please feel free to contact me!

Bye, Lucile 

Hi, are you interested in our apartment in Florence?We're are a family (Laura Enrico and our 11 years old daughter) we rent a double room with bathroom in our house. The apartment is near to  the railway station and the center (many buses) in a very quiet quarter, with some shops, a mall and some green parks.
We usually provide students with breakfast and dinner five days a week. In that case, the price is a little higher. Let me know if you're interested. Best regards. Laura 

Hey, I'm artist and designer from Yerevan, Armenia. 

I will be in Florence from January to December 2016, doing Master in Graphic Design at Florence Institute of Design International (FIDI). 
There's some time before the arrival, but i'm already looking for accommodation possibilities. 
Single room in a shared apartment, or a small budget studio preferably close to Santa Maria Novella. 

Hi, I'm John! I'm 21 and I'm from Cork, Ireland. I'll be coming to Florence Sept. 2015- June 2016 for erasmus to study languages. I like to meet new people all the time so say hi if you want! :) I speak, English, Irish, French & Italian

Ciao, Mi chiamo John. Ho 21 anni e abito a cork in Irlanda. Andrò a Firenze da settembre a giugno per studiare le lingue. Mi piace incontrare nuovi/e studenti/esse o persone. Dite 'ciao ' se volete :) Parlo inglese, irlandese, francese e italiano.

Bonjour! Je m'appelle John. Jai 21 ans e je suis irlandais e J'habite à Cork en Irlande. J'irai à Florence du septembre au juin pour étudier les langues. J'aime retrouver nouveaux/elles étudiants/es o personnes. Direz 'bonjour' si vous voulez :) Je parle anglais, irlandais, français e italien.  


I am from Pakistan and coming to FLorence Italy this September for stufying only semester in University of Florence. I need a room single or shared near the university. My stay will be from Sep15 to Feb16. So please any one who know or have any accomodation then let me know. Thankyou!

My name is Nina, I'm from New York but I study interior design full time in Italy. If you have any questions about Florence let me know :)

Hi I'm Vidhi from India and I'll be doing interior design at fda for one year! See you guys there :)

Ciao! My name is Amish and I am from Portugal. I study International Relations here in Lisbon but I will go for one semester in Firenze...and I am looking for a room in a shared apartment! If guys can help me that would be great! Open to any suggestions! 


Hey guys I'm Vadym! I'm a 20 year old Canadian from Toronto, I'm coming to study at the FDA for a year and am very excited. However, I need a roommate, or a few. As well as a few friends to hang out with :) I am glad to find this thread!

hola chicos! soy Sabri de Argentina, junto a mi compañera de estudio Rocio viajaremos a Florencia por un mes para realizar nuestra tesis de arquitectura! ,me gustaria conocer gente y volver a casa con hermosos recuerdos y amistades! saludos!

Hi everybody!  I'm a 21 year old Irish girl and I have work placement starting in September! I was hoping to share a flat with some students or workers. I am tidy, pretty easygoing and super excited to enjoy living in an amazing city and all it entails. So I'm looking for a room or roommates to live somewhere, hopefully pretty central. 

I'm looking forward to meeting new people to meet up with too. I speak english (obviously), intermediate French and a little Italian.

Hopefully I'll get to meet up with some of you guys :D

Hey guys! I'm a jewellery design student, study in Alchima.

I will be staying in Firenze for a year from Sept till July. I'm looking for some flatmates to live in somewhere nearby my school (ideally). Feel free to massage me if you are interested. xoxo

Hi there! I'm a spanish pharmacy student from Madrid who is going to study in Florence from september to june/july. I have rented a flat with another two student roommates which is quite close to the center, in viale Belfiore. We are currently looking for another student who stays in that period of time to rent a single room in our flat. It is fully equiped and has internet connection. The price would be around 370€ per month. If you are interested feel free to contact me and I will send you pictures and the details. 

See you all in florence :).

Hello guys!

My name is Joe, I'm an italian ex-erasmus, as I went to Complutense University of Madrid two years ago. As I came back here, I love meet other erasmus or international students and keep living (or try to do it :P) the wonderful experience I had in Spain.

So if you need any kind of help or you're just looking for a local to party with, I'm your guy!

Hope to see you soon and enjoy your stay in Florence!

Erasmus once, erasmus toda la vida


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