When does the semester start?
Tarafından açılan konu Sara Spina
— 3 yıl önce
1 gönderinin 4-4 tanesi gösteriliyor
Sara Spina
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
Hi everyone!
I was wondering when the first period starts at the Politecnico of Coimbra. I can't find any information on the website, so if someone knows please let me know!
thank you very much
Brenda De
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
Hi, I'm going to attend couses at FEUC. There the semester starts at the beginning of september.
Klinta Kārkliņa
Yazılan 3 yıl önce
Hi. I Will study next semester in Polytechnic institute of Coimbra. They told me that semester starts at 1.October.
1 gönderinin 4-4 tanesi gösteriliyor