Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Erasmus Coimbra 2010 / 2011 (English)

Tarafından açılan konu flag-es Erasmusu Staff — 14 yıl önce

41 gönderinin 60-118 tanesi gösteriliyor

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hi, anyone here to study art and design at IPC from september? cya in Coimbra!

Hey I'll study at IPC in ESEC. Are u at ESEC too right?

Hello everyone!!!!!!!. I m so happy that I can to join us ! Erasmus - february 2011!!!

Hellooo everyone!!!!!

to adriana:
yep, esec, arriving on 1st september for the language course cause I cant even say hello in portuguese:)

Don't worries Marek i think 80% of us doesn't speak portuguese. Fortunately for me, with a little practice i would be speaking it thanks of the similarities.

By the way so you know:

Olá. ¿como vai você? = Hello. How are you?

Hey Marek and Adriana, I'll be in ESEC too, and Im going to study some subjects from art and design! Some days ago I have received an email with the schedule of the welcome week, do you?

what language course are you all taking??? Is there someone taking the Intensive Language course done by the faculty of letter??

I was going to take it, but i had second thoughs when i read it costs 375€.

yeah I know... it's kinda expensive...

Yeah, and when i read portuguese i understand 90% of it. Besides i've been told that is not that hard to learn it. I'm gonna take the chance and play it by hear for now, maybe once we're there we find some more cheap courses or we realize we don't need one.

Hi david, thats cool, we are going to meet for sure, and yeah I received it too
I am taking the language course at faculty of letters, I wasnt very happy about the price too but I cant understand a word so I have to you lucky similar-language people:)

hello everybody!! I'm Patricia, I from Spain and I'm studying Tourism in Facultade de Letras, in Universidade de Coimbra, I haven't a room yet, I will book 2 night in Youth Hostel, I will arrive to Coimbra 15th September!
If anyone need somebody for complet a flat, she/he relying on me!
( i would like live with people who don't speak spanish) for improve my English and learn a bit of portuguese! =D

Hello! :)
I'll arrive to coimbra probably on the 31 of august and take part in a portuguese language course at ISMT that costs only 15 euros....
anyway, I just wanted to know if anybody can recommend me a place to stay for two weeks. or does anyone know anybody who would be willing to share their flat with me and another Estonian girl from 1st of Sept til 17 of Sept?

I'll be at the portuguese course at ISMT too!!

I'm studing Law.I'll be in Coimbra from the 3rd of September.
I'm looking for an accomodation so if anyone's interested to share a flat please contact me.

Im arriving 1st september, booking into a hostel but will be looking for somewhere to live/ flat share if anyones interested!

will be studying at the fauldade de letras! look forward to meeting you all for a great erasmus year!

Hey, I will arrive to Coimbra on 28th or 29th of August. Somebody to join in search for flat or house?

41 gönderinin 60-118 tanesi gösteriliyor

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