Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Barcelona 2015-2016

1 gönderinin 1-1 tanesi gösteriliyor


Hello everyone;

I am Mohamed El-gendy, I’m from Cairo. I’m 23 and a mechatronics graduate.

 I got the opportunity to do a masters in Barcelona,starting in September, and I would really love it if I could live in a shared apartment with an outgoing and interesting people *who likes edm ;)*

I am a big Asenal Fan. I can speak English, and Arabic, i am hoping this will be a good opportunity to learn Spanish

If anyone is intressted please let me know.

Mohamed El-Gendy

1 gönderinin 1-1 tanesi gösteriliyor


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