João Valente
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
I'm João, currently studying in Lisbon, Portugal. I'll be studying in Bologna since February to the end of July. If someone is going in the same time and is looking for acommodation and roommates, feel free to contact me!
Eleni Markakou
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi guys!!
i am an erasmus student too!! i'm studying law an i'm already a Bologna!!
does anyboby want to communicate?? let me find at facebook : Eleni Markakou !!
nesrin nesrine
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi everybody!
I study English at UNIBO . I'm looking for native speakers willing to do a linguistic exchange (=Tandem) :) PM me if you're interested!
Lola Mia
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi! I'm Lola! Im a student from Madrid(spain) Im alone here,so if someone knows something about a cheap room,please,let me know....and if you want to meet it would be great too!
Ioanna Kak
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
My name is Ioanna ,i am from Greece and i will be next semester in Bologna!I study agriculture! I want to meet new people and to travel a lot!If anyone is searching for flat-mate,here i am! or just to chat a lit bit!
Andrea Bocumar
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Salut, je suis français, étudiant Erasmus, je cherche à rencontrer du monde ! Si ca vous dit ! Contactez moi par fb !
Rahul Rathore
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
hey guy :D
this is rahul from india cuming to bologna in octuber for design course . i am very excited to know about people out there from italy or from any origin . if anyone wanna contact
skypee - rahulrathore6
Rahul Rathore
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
hey guy :D
this is rahul from india cuming to bologna in octuber for design course . i am very excited to know about people out there from italy or from any origin . if anyone wanr to contact i am just one click away :D will do party !! together
skypee - rahulrathore6
Thanks :D :D :D
alp atmaca
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi, I am an erasmus student in Bologna University. I want to ask a question. I don't know italian. Are there a lessons which is english language? I mean, Are every lessons italian? I am an Political Science student. I hope teachers help me. İs there anyone who know something about it?
Ioanna Kak
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
well i am studying agriculture and all of the lessons are in italian!(and i dont know yet italian either) but my coordinator teacher told me that i can take some lessons from the second cycle of studies where some of them are in have to chek your universiry and communicate with your coordinatora teacher! good luck!
Ida Lindeman
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi João! I'll be studying in Bologna from february (or late january) to july as well, and I'm searching for a room in a shared apartment not too far away from the university. Let me know if you find anything and need a flatmate :)
Rita &
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hey guys, I'm Rita from Lisbon and if everything goes according to plan, I'll be in Bologna from late February to early June. Mine is a research placement so I'm not sure where it will take place (UNIBO labs? a partner lab?), but if anyone is looking for a flatmate for a little over 3 months - not the whole semester -, feel free to drop me a few lines!
Ci vediamo a Bologna =D
Kasia Misie
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi everyone:)
I`m Kasia from Poland. I`ll be studying polish and italian philologies in Bologna from February.
Nice to meet you all!
Rahul Rathore
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
hey guys
i am coming over to bologna tommarow wanna meeeeeeeeeeeeet people out there plz if any one intrested i would love to attend the coffe table ;)
skype - rahulrathore6
Mónica Cardoso
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi everyone!
I'll be studying in Bologna from February to July, I think.
I want to travel a loooot a meet new people! I'm also looking people and a flat to share, so if you want to form a group and rent some place, just talk to me :)
Doro Harpain
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
I'll be studying in Bologna from February to July too, and I'm so much looking forward to it!
I'm looking for people and a flat to share, so if you're looking also, just contact me! Hope to hear from you soon!
Marija Karosaitė
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
My name is Maria and I'll be studying law in UNIBO from February 2013 'til late July. Anyone has a suggestion for accomodation? I'll be a wonderful roomate, I promise :D
Find me on Facebook if you want to get to know each other! :)
Onur Uyanusta
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
this topic seems out dead let's resurrect it again :) My name is Onur ,coming from Istanbul in february to Bologna for living the greatest student experience ever with all other erasmus fellows.Similar to nearly everybody in here I am looking for a flat to stay .If you got something please contact me via facebook :)
Irmina Włodarczyk
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hey guys,
I'm going with my friend to Bologna in late February. We are Polish students of pharmacy. Can't wait to arrive ;). Now we're looking for double room or two single rooms. If anyone could provide some tips or help we would be very very thankful.
See you soon, Bologna & archiginnasio! :)