Olga Shaleeva
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hey, guys!
Im Olga, from Russia. I arrived to Bilbao 2 weeks ago to take Cultural and Adaptation Course at the Universidad de Deusto. Im going to move to San Sebastian afterwards, in the mid September, to take my PhD degree there.
Are there anybody living in Bilbao now too? Wanna meet U!
Add me on FB, please :)
Lucía GG
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Yo también voy a estudiar en Bilbao el curso 2012/2013. Estoy buscando piso y compañeros. Me gustaría que fueran erasmus (preferiblemente alemanes) porque el año pasado estuve en Alemania de erasmus y así podríamos practicar todos (además puedo ayudar para las traducciones).
Si hay alguien interesado por favor, escribidme!
Un saludo!
Ich werde auch in Bilbao der Kurs 2012/2013 studieren. Ich suche gerade Mitbewohner und Wohnung. Ich möchte mit Erasmus Leute wohnen (am besten Deutsche), weil ich letztes Jahr mein Erasmus in Jena (Deutschland) gemacht habe, und in diese Weise, alle können sprache üben. Ausserdem, ich kann mit übersetzung hilfen.
Wenn jemand interessiert ist, schreib mir bitte! :)
Emanuele De
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi everybody! I'm going to stay in Bilbao from February 2013 to approximately June 2013. I study Industrial Engineering in Trento (Italy). I'm looking for roommates in order to divide the cost of rooms or even apartments, though they seems expensive... Do anybody know where can i look for (besides the section in this site)?
Sandra Luna
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hi guys. I'm Sandra from Bilbao, and I participate in the university program "Buddy", just to help Erasmus people in their first weeks (pick you up when you arrive, show you the basic things, etc). As you have already said, I think the best way to find an accomodation is going to the Universities (Deusto, UPV [Sarriko, Leioa...]) and have a look at the advertisements on the walls, there are always spanish people looking for roommates! Also, the HelpCenter can be quite useful.
Hope you will enjoy your academic year in Bilbao and get in touch with me if you need help! xx
Stefano Messineo
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
i am Stefano from Italy, next week I ll be in Bilbao at UPV as Erasmus student. See you there!!
Eoin Morrissey
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hey everyone. Im Eoin from Ireland!...Im going to be studying in Deusto for the next academic year.. Looking forward to it! I see a few of you have found the university accommodation way too expensive...Quoted over 400 myself...I dont even pay that in Dublin!? Anybody wanna flat share?! Spoken Spanish only if possible...Anything but English basically! Lemme know! E
Louis Hubert
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hey guys! I'm louis from Belgium... I'll be studying in Bilbao this semester. I arrived in Bilbao 2 days ago and don't really know anybody so if you want to meet and hang out, hit me up!
Don't hesitate to add me on facebook ;p
Emre Yüksel
Yazılan 12 yıl önce
Hello, everyone!
I am Erasmus student for spring semester 2012 in Universidad de Deusto, so i need a room/dormitory/flat for me.I will stay from February till July. (maybe, plus summer holiday)
So, please, everyone who has some offers, please contact me
Thank you in advance, will be waiting for your answers :)