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Schulferien Niedersachsen 2024

Tarafından açılan konu flag-xx jason max — 6 ay önce

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The school holidays in Lower Saxony are based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Culture and vary from year to year. Generally they include summer holidays, autumn holidays, Christmas holidays, winter holidays, Easter holidays and Whitsun holidays. The exact dates are set by the school authorities and may vary slightly depending on the region and type of school. During the school holidays, students have the opportunity to relax, spend time with family and friends or take part in leisure activities. Parents often plan vacations or family activities during these times. To find out the exact dates of school holidays in Lower Saxony, it is advisable to consult the official website of the Ministry of Culture or other reliable sources, as they are updated regularly. School holidays Lower Saxony 2024

1 gönderinin 1-1 tanesi gösteriliyor


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