Yolanda Franco

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flag-pt Portugal

Entradas em fóruns de Yolanda

  • Fórum

    Erasmus in Leipzig 2012/2013

    Hi Rachel and IIaria! So nice to meet tou girls:) I am sorry for being missing. Diana and I will be going to Leipzig on September 25 and will stay there until February or March. Rachel, thank you for answering my question but unfortunately I can't help you much...

  • Fórum

    Erasmus in Leipzig 2012/2013

    Hi Rachel! Found more people that are going to Leipzig this year:) There is a spanish group forum going on and also a facebook group.

  • Fórum

    Erasmus Leipzig 2012 / 2013 (Español)

    Hola:D Yo y mi amiga Diana también nos vamos a Leipzig para el curso 2012-2013! Muy entusiastas:D En Portugal nosotras estamos en la carrera de "Lenguas Aplicadas".   llegamos a Leipzig en la última semana de Septiembre, y vosotros? :)

  • Fórum

    Erasmus in Leipzig 2012/2013

    I will:D In fact me and my friend Diana will:) Hi!!! Finally!!! I found someone whose attending Erasmus in Leipzig:D We are from Portugal and at Leipzig we will be studying Classic Philology. My languages will be english, french and spanish and Diana's german, english...

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