Sophie Phillips

Cidades que segue

flag-fr França
flag-gb Reino Unido

flag-gb Sophie Phillips

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Atividade de Sophie

  • Colegas de quarto

    20 year old girl looking for colocation in Paris

    Hey everyone, I'm currently at Exeter University, England studying Geography, French and Spanish and will be working in Paris from October til July (happy to start a contract from September). I definitely want to live with some other international students, get to know...

    em Colegas de quarto Paris, há 10 anos
  • Fórum

    Erasmus Paris 2014 / 2015 (English)

    Hey everyone, I'm currently at Exeter University, England studying Geography, French and Spanish and will be working in Paris from October til July (happy to start a contract from September). I definitely want to live with some other international students, get to know...

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