Sherezade Casado

Cidades que segue

flag-es Espanha

flag- Sherezade Casado

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Universidade de destino:
Universidade de origem:

Atividade de Sherezade

  • Fórum

    Erasmus Sevilla 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Heyy!!!! I'm going next year to the UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA. I had my erasmus year in rome... so I just wnat an other year like this but in SEVILLA!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm from  Madrid.. so I don't know anyone there.. so I jus want to meet new people!!!! Anyone in the same...

  • Fórum

    Erasmus Sevilla 2012 / 2013 (English)

    ANNOUNCEMENT HEY! WE HAVE 2 SINGLE ROOMS AVAILABLE NEXT TO THE CENTER CITY!!!!! Hi, we are Spanish students of architecture engineering. We are looking for two flat mates for our apartment located in the beautiful neighborhood of TRIANA. Really good location cause is...

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