Atividade de Rachael
21 Year Old American Girl seeking İzmir Accomodation
Im an American girl living and working in İzmir. Im seeking new home accomodation, either with a roommate, studio apartment or dormitory. Preferably with female roommates. Top locations would be in either Karsıyaka, Alsancak, Buca or Bornova...or any place that has...
em Colegas de quarto Izmir, há 12 anos -
22 year old American girl seeking accomodation in İzmir
Im a 22 year old American girl lıvıng ın Bornova, I work at an Englısh teachıng school. I would prefer a locatıon that ıs closer to my work, ı.e. Karsıyaka, Bornova, Konak, Alsancak, ect. I work a lot so I am seldom at home, I just need a place that...
em Colegas de quarto Izmir, há 12 anos -
American Girl Looking for Housing in Izmir
I will be in Izmir for at least 3 more months, possibly another year if Yasar Univ.accepts me. Did you haveFacebook? Mine is Chelsea Elizabeth Scarborough. Where is the house located? Is it near any public transportation?
por Rachael en Fórum Erasmus Izmir -
American Girl Looking for Housing in Izmir
An apartment in Alsancak would be great! Do you know how much rent would be each month per person?
por Rachael en Fórum Erasmus Izmir -
American Girl Looking for Housing in Izmir
IM sorry..I didn't see any messages or anything on my Facebook...I never ignore people writing to me...
por Rachael en Fórum Erasmus Izmir -
American Girl Looking for Housing in Izmir
Hi there, Does anyone know of any affordable housing (with or without roommates) in Izmir? I live in Gaziemir/Buca area now but I'm looking to move more towards the Karsiyaka/ Bornova or Alsancak area. Thanks so much!
por Rachael en Fórum Erasmus Izmir -
American Girl Living in Izmir, Looking for Accomodation
Hi there, I'm a 22 year old American girl living in Izmir, I'm looking for a new accomodation...perhaps with roommates or students. I am not a student now, I'm just working and don't have a set date to return to America. If anyone is looking for a roommate please let...
por Rachael en Fórum Erasmus Izmir -
Where can I take Turkish lessons?
Hi there, I'm an American living in Izmir and looking to improve my Turkish. I lived here for eight months from 2010-2011 so I have a very good understanding of the language. Does anyone know if any of the Izmir Universities offer Turkish lessons, or are there any...
por Rachael en Fórum Erasmus Izmir