Atividade de Nejc
Looking for roommates
Looking for roommates in this flat There's already 4 of us (2girls and 2 boys from Slovenia and - not paired) and we still have 2 free...
em Colegas de quarto Porto, há 9 anos -
Looking for a room
Hi, I'm Slovenian erasmus student. I will study in Porto from 15 September 2015 till 20 February 2016. I'm looking for a single room, if possible in the center. I would like to be in a flat together with other erasmus students. I am friendly and I like sports....
em Colegas de quarto Porto, há 9 anos -
Looking for a room
Hi, I'm Slovenian erasmus student. I will study in Porto from 15 September 2015 till 20 February 2016. I'm looking for a single room, if possible in the center. I would like to be in a flat together with other erasmus students. I am friendly and I like sports....
em Colegas de quarto Porto, há 9 anos -
Erasmus Porto 2015 / 2016 (English)
Hi, I will be in Porto first semeste 2015/2016. I am looking for a room and roommates in flat. I found interesting flat but it is for 7 students
por Nejc en Fórum Erasmus Porto -
Porto September
Hi! Where in Porto do you have a room? Do you still looking for a roommate? I am from Slovenia and I will be in Porto from 15 september 15 till 20 february 16. Nejc
por Nejc en Fórum Erasmus Porto