Atividade de Melih
Experience in Kütahya, Turkey by Melih
What is it like to live in Kütahya? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Kütahya is a very historical city. There is a castle almost 700 years old. It is a very cultural and conservative place so no party and no entertainment you shall expect.What is the...
Erasmus Ankara 2014 / 2015 (Español)
Hola amigos, lo siento por mi poco Espanol :), Hablo un poco espanol por ıntendo apprendo espanol anos pronto :p I have to go on with my english :)) I did my erasmus in almeria this summer as part of training program, and I loved so much spain that I can not explain...
por Melih en Fórum Erasmus Ankara -
Erasmus Ankara 2014 / 2015 (English)
There is one room now ın Kurtuluş near Kızılay, if you like you can have a look and decide, rent is 180 Euros or 500 liras including bills and everything.
por Melih en Fórum Erasmus Ankara