Atividade de Konstantina
Looking for accomodation and for any experience of Dom studencki Akademii Sztuk Pięknych of jan Matejko academy
I am a student from greece in conservation of works of art in thessaloniki and i am coming for a semester in krakow injan matejko academy. i m into arts,travelling, i love the enviroment and dancing and i m really sociable :) i m loooking for something not very far...
em Colegas de quarto Cracóvia, há 10 anos -
Any suggestions for baggage transport Thessaloniki-Krakow?
Hi everyone!i m from greece, studying in thessaloniki going erasmus to krakow.i ll take 2 low cost flights to get there, so i m looking for a cheaper way to have my luggages delivered. any ideas? a company off busses that can drop off luggages or cheap courrier for...
about Escuela Superior de Conservación y Restauración
Hello!I am student from Greece and there is a chance I might go to Escuela Superior de Conservación y Restauración but i cannot find a lot of information about how is erasmus anyone going there or know something?
por Konstantina en Fórum Erasmus Madrid -
Info about Saint-Luc
Thank you so much!
por Konstantina en Fórum Erasmus Liege -
Info about Saint-Luc
Thank you for the respond! outremouse is like centre or its like in the suburbs?do you by any chance know if there is an esn group for this university?i have found for other universities but not for this one..thanks again!
por Konstantina en Fórum Erasmus Liege -
Info about Saint-Luc
Hello!I am student from Greece and there is a chance I might go to Saint-Luc Ecole Superieure des Arts but i cannot find a lot of information about erasmus anyone going there or know something?
por Konstantina en Fórum Erasmus Liege