Katrin Spiewak

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flag-be Bélgica
flag-pl Polônia

Entradas em fóruns de Katrin

  • Fórum

    Erasmus Gent 2012 / 2013 (English)

    About cheaters - I could put such a looong list of names here. I've already found at least five of them. Always same story - they are not in Gent, but London. Glad I've looked on the pictures very carefully cause I noticed that every single room was from another...

  • Fórum

    two rooms needed! :)

    Hey Luis, thanks but I think that 600 euro is too expensive for one shared room :( I usually saw rooms like that for about 400 euro. oh and that deposit which I really can't afford :/ But thank you! 

  • Fórum

    two rooms needed! :)

    Hey guys, me and my friend are coming to Gent in September and we are looking for 2 rooms in Gent (or a room with two beds)! If anyone has any information that would be helpful, please let me know! :)

  • Fórum

    Erasmus Gent 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Hi guys! Me and my friend are coming to Gent in September to study Interior Design and we are looking for two rooms to rent. If anyone has any information that would be helpful, please let me know! :)

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