Atividade de Jessica
19yo Business Student starting at UC3M looking for roommates/accommodation in Madrid area.
Hi im Jess, a 19 year old Scottish student from Glasgow starting my 3rd year abroad at uc3m in Septmeber studying business. Im looking for accomation/roomates that are likemined (laid back/easy going/doesnt mind a bottle of wine or two (joking... kind of) for the next 9...
em Colegas de quarto Madrid, há 10 anos -
Erasmus Madrid 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hi, I'm a 19 year old Scottish student studying at UC3M from September for the full year. Im looking for somewhere to live/flatmates during my stay and am completly clueless at the moment. Anyone in the same sitation or who can offer advice would be (very) much...
por Jessica en Fórum Erasmus Madrid