Erasmus Santiago de Compostela 2012 / 2013 (English)
Tópico criado por Erasmusu Staff
— há 13 anos
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Damira D
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Hi there!! Does anyone know is are there any courses in English in USC??
Karolina Czarniecka
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Hi, does anyone know a link to a web whith subjects + ECTS points regarding english filology (4th year), please share.
When and how do we choose the subjects we want to study in USC?
hope to hear from you:)
Natalia Wolska
Foi escrito há 12 anos
You have to make a learning agreement with your ects coordinator at your university at poland. you choose the subjects together with him. did you get an email from university of santiago? there should be a link to the courses
Giulia Piumatti
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Hello everybody! I'm Giulia, I'm from Turin (Italy) and I'm going to be in Santiago from September to February. Is there someone who will be there in this period? =)
Manuel Blanco
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Hello, I'm going to answer to some of your questions:
Damira, I'm afraid that there are not courses in english in the USC (Apart than in english filology of course), at least I've never heard of them and I've been three years studying there.
Karolina, the link you are searching for is:
(The webpage was only working in galician so it's translated using google, perhaps the translation is not so good)
I've no idea about the registration to the courses for international students but this is something that the university should tell you about.
If somebody has any other question I'll try to answer it.
Damira D
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Manuel, thank you for your response. Could you tell me please when fall semester starts? Some exact date please. I will really appreciate any information about the process of study in USC.
Marta Kwas
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Is any of you from law? Do you know where can i find list of subject? Page where i found list is not available :( Btw, do you know if we can come there later than on 6 of september?
It`s for you Damira
Classes begin the 2012-09-06 but we recommend you arrive a week earlier
Second semester classes start 2013-01-29
See ya :D
Natalia Wolska
Foi escrito há 12 anos
I study law. When i get home i'll send you the link to subjects but i think it is from last year. we can choose the same subjects so that we go to the classes together :)
Marta Kwas
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Nice :D I even couldnt find subject from last year. On which year are you? Yes, its a good idea to choose the same :) Nobobdy from my faculty is going there, i`ll be alone so it`ll be nice. I hope subj. will be easy for us :D Do you speak spanish? I have whole programme in spanish xD
fghmjf dghnyjfd
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Hey everyone! I'm going to USC this upcoming academic year, but there's a problem that i don't know any spanish at all! The criteria for erasmus was to know english and/or spanish. And now I found out that there are no courses in english. So pissed. What can i do? Any advices, Am i the only one that is going to USC and doesn't know spanish??? I saw that there were some courses in English, and now they're saying that there no courses. Don't want to lose this great opportunity!
Manuel Blanco
Foi escrito há 12 anos
I said there are no courses in english (I believe so) but I don't know anything about master degrees, maybe at master level there are courses in english, at bachelor I think that not but I'm not exactly sure, at least I've never heard about a friend getting a course in english, anyway you can send them an e-mail asking this but you might be aware that in Spain in general people don't know how to speak anything but spanish, in the university people should know how to speak english at least.
Natalia Wolska
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Marta, here's a list of all the faculties and subjects:
Majka Sásová
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Hi girls Natalia and Marta :) I'm also studying law :) which year do you study?
Natalia Wolska
Foi escrito há 12 anos
I am on a third year right now, so i will start my fourth year in Santiago :) and you?
Marta Kwas
Foi escrito há 12 anos
I`m on second now :)
Natalia, thanks a lot ! I`m going to check the subject and we can choose the same. Majka, you can also join :D
Majka Sásová
Foi escrito há 12 anos
I'm on second too :)
I've just filled some subjects to the application form at my university but as I know we will change our subjects after we come to Santiago because some teachers can say that subject is not appropriate for Erasmus students.
I've chosen Idioma extranjero técnico-jurídico III: inglés, Derecho comunitario mercantil, Derecho del mar and Institutiones, derecho y principios jurídicos de la unión europea. But I'm not sure whether these subjects are suitable. Actually, I think the list of subjects is little bit chaotic, don't you?
Looking forward to hearing Polish in Spain :))
Natalia Wolska
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Majka, did you take the subjects from this page or from somewhere else?
because I'm looking at it right now and i can't find for example derecho y principios jurídicos de la unión europea
Majka Sásová
Foi escrito há 12 anos
I found it here - on the page of "Departamento de Derecho Público y Teoría del Estado"
but now when I see it so divided, I doubt whether I filled my application correctly.
Natalia Wolska
Foi escrito há 12 anos
Around a month ago I got an email from the university with a link to some welcome guide, and there was written:
Para elaborar tu acuerdo de estudios necesitarás conocer la oferta académica de la USC la cual está disponible en: