Atividade de Diana
Experience in Sofia, Bulgaria by Diana
What is it like to live in Sófia? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Sofia is a big city, it is a place where you can do everything,meet everyone(there are people from all corners of the country, also loads of foreigners) The city is,in my opinion, on the...
Erasmus Experience in Warsaw, Poland by Diana
Why did you choose to go to Varsóvia, Polônia? I chose Warsaw for a few reasons - I read excellent reviews about the Art Academy where I spent one semester, a friend of mine also told me she is satisfied with her experience, the interesting thing for me artwise was...
Erasmus Warsaw 2012 / 2013 (English)
I know,I have already found it and wrote there.I also saw you there :D Thanks!All the best!
por Diana en Fórum Erasmus Varsóvia -
Erasmus Warsaw 2012 / 2013 (English)
I am Didi,Bulgaria, and I'm an art student.This first semester I will be in Warsaw.I am looking for roommates so we can rent something not too expensive and close to the academy.Anyone?
por Diana en Fórum Erasmus Varsóvia