Atividade de Caoimhe
Erasmus Forli 2023/24 (English)
Hi, is anyone going to Campus di Forli (UNIBO) for their Erasmus next semester(s)? !! TRANSLATE with x English ArabicHebrewPolish BulgarianHindiPortuguese CatalanHmong DawRomanian Chinese SimplifiedHungarianRussian Chinese TraditionalIndonesianSlovak ...
por Caoimhe en Fórum Erasmus Forli -
20 years old, from Cork, Ireland. I am doing my Erasmus in Forli for the 23/24 year and am hoping to find a room for the year.
My name is Caoimhe and I am 20 years old. I am doing my third year of university in Forli for my Erasmus year. I am looking for ideally a single room in a shared apartment. Contact me if you have any information about a room or if you are struggling to find...
em Colegas de quarto Forli, um ano atrás