Adrien Clesse

Programas que segue

Cidades que segue

flag-be Bélgica
flag-hr Croácia

flag-be Adrien Clesse

Cidade atual:
Cidade de origem:
Universidade de destino:
Universidade de origem:

Atividade de Adrien

  • Fórum

    Erasmus Zagreb 2013 / 2014 (English)

    I'm 21 and instead of erasums, i'm on intership in zagreb from february to may 2014.  I'm looking for a roomate and people to get in touch with before to go.  If you in the same case, contact me (don't know how possible without this premium accont) Bye

  • Colegas de quarto

    Roomade in Zagreb february-may 2014

    Hi everyone, I'm Adrien, 21 years.  I'm staying three month in Zagreb to do my internship. I'm looking for young roomades who likes to party and have great time the weekend.  I'm very sociable, ordered and open.  If you have already a free place roomade or if you...

    em Colegas de quarto Zagreb, há 11 anos

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