Aktywność Martin
Alicante Blog- Third Installment
Well the plan to write a weekly blog has somewhat failed seeing as I am writing this blog on the 26th February. I am going to blame the gap in the entries to the work hard, play harder attitude we have had to adopt to get us through. Carnival From Friday 8th-Tuesday...
Martin’s Alicante Blog- Second Instalment
Martin’s Alicante Blog- Second Instalment It’s Thursday 7thFebruary meaning I have been in Alicante for 15 days. Enjoying everything so far, well almost everything, receiving exam results always puts a dampener on moods but we all passed so all is well. Naturally...
The first few days
So, it is Sunday 27th January which means I have successfully survived my first weekend in Alicante. Lewis, Pete and I have only been here for 5 days, however it has been a hectic few days of parties, new face and several language barriers. Due to the craziness of the...