claudia Nateri
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Aktywność claudia
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
@Julien: Hi! I maybe found a place to stay in august but i'll have to move on the 31st because the apartment is going to be sold, so while i'm in CPH i'll look for some apartments. i think going in person will be better, in order to avoid any fraud attempt!...
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
@marco: anche io ho già prenotato il volo da un pò e infatti in teoria il 31 dovrei arrivare... per la casa ancora non so. sto cercando di prendere le cose una alla volta perchè quest'attesa mi sta snervando...insomma rischio di partire nel secondo semestre e non...
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
@michele: thanx MIchele. i've heard too that That website is the only one that works... of course you have to pay 48 euros in order to contatct landlords... :/ i really am hoping in 'the other list' of accomodation, which is a non official list that the...
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
@marco: anche a me non hanno ancora mandato l'application definitiva... a un mese dalla partenza! sono nera!! ho compilato l'application online ma non mi hanno ancora mandato la conferma... senza contare che trovare casa è praticamente impossibile... ci...
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
Mmm anyway i've spoken to another guy who is going there in this semester and he told me that some of his friends found house via bolig.portal so i guess it's official: it's the only one that works! :)
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
And are we sure this site is safe?
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
@marco: 46 euros only to have access to the list of houses??! are they out of their mind?? anyway today i'll try looking in that other website u suggested. thanx :)
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hey guys have u found anywebsite where information about flats are in english and not in danish? 0.o
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hey guys have u already booked your flight??? :) i booked them a few days ago and i'm stopping to Berlin to catch the next flight to copenhagen! what about u? who gets in the city on early August?
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hey guys i've been acccepted for the EILC program starting from august 4 to august 26. Anyone of you going ?
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
@marco: speriamo veramente che si trovino camere a 200-250 euro! non sarebbe proprio male! ma mi sembra un pò improbabile.. se sai qualcosina in più poi facci sap. :)
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hello Mara! are u going to study at the department of humanities??? i study languages and translation sciences too!! have u found any translation or interpretation exam?? i'll be in copenhagen from august to february so if i hear anything about flats i'll let u...
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
@marco: allora ho chiesto alla facoltà di copenhagen se il corso eilc e quello presemestrale sono due cose separate e se danno crediti. mi hanno risposto oggi e valgono entrambi 7.5 ects. iniziano tutti e due il 4 e finiscono il 26, però per il corso eilc ti danno una...
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
Marco sei italiano? il corso EILC è un corso intensivo che offrono gli stati con lingue insolite come il danese, lo svedese, etc... praticamente ti danno una borsa di 500 euro, ma non so se poi ti riconoscono i crediti nel learning agreement. Da quanto ho capito il...
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
Does anybody know if the EILC danish course and the pre-semester danish course are the same thing???
Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hi! i'll be moving to copenhagen on the first week of August and i'll stay there till February! i'm looking for someone to share a flat with! anyone interested? is anyone going to attend the Eilc course??