Vincent activiteit
Erasmus Expérience dans Stockholm, Suède par Vincent
Pourquoi as-tu choisi d'aller à Stockholm, Suède? Je souhaitais découvrir un pays scandinave et Stockholm figurait parmi mes destinations possibles par rapport aux accords dont disposait mon école en France (Polytech Nice-Sophia). Source Combien de temps dure ton...
Erasmus Stockholm 2014 / 2015 (English)
Hello everyone! My name is Vincent. I'm 20 and I will be studying at KTH during the first semester of 2014/2015. I'm coming to Stockholm with my best friend Marc who is 21. We both study computer science in Nice (south of France) and it will be a pleasure to meet new...
por Vincent en Erasmus forum Stockholm -
21 yo French students trying not to sleep under a bridge in Stockholm
We are Vincent and Marc, two French students studying computer science at Polytech Nice-Sophia (south of France, sea sex and sun that's right). We will be in Stockholm during the first semester of 14/15 school year, at KTH university. Thus, we are looking for a place to...
in Huisgenoten Stockholm, 10 jaar geleden