Master in Intercultural Mediation and Social Intervention
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)
Plaats Leiria, Portugal
Degree Type MA
Start Date 02/09/2021
Looptijd 2 years
Application Deadline Request info
Taal PortuguĂŞs
Aanwezigheid Gemengd
Toewijding Part-time
Pace Instructor-paced
Tuition fees 1140 €
Beschrijving programma
This Master aims to provide knowledge & competencies at theoretical, practical & methodological level in the key areas of enhancement of understanding of multicultural character of contemporary society and social work between diverse cultures & social groups.
The main objectives, justified & reflected in the competencies to develop in different CU, are:
- To provide students with a wide range of knowledge w/ a considerably broad scope & the acquisition of specific competencies to the design & implementation of the characteristic tasks of the several stakeholders involved in the activity of intercultural mediation;
- To offer students the opportunity to explore the potential of new tools of social science & social work & guidance in the prevention & resolution of social tensions;
- To enable students with knowledge & competencies to intervene in groups, organisations & institutions;
- To promote scientific research to a deeper & postgraduate level in the master’s specialisation area.
Conditions of admission
Entry Requirements
- a)Holders of an undergraduate degree in Social Work, Social Education, Cultural Animation, Teacher Training and holders of an undergraduate degree in other areas of social sciences and humanities;
- b)Holders of foreign academic degree of a 1st study cycle organized according the principles of the Bologna Process offered by a State that has adhered to this Process, in the area mentioned in paragraph a);
- c)Holders of foreign academic degree recognized by the scientific body of the establishment of higher education as an undergraduate degree, as long as it is in the area mentioned in paragraph a);
- d)Holders of an educational, scientific or professional curriculum, recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by competent scientific body of the establishment of higher education (subparagraph d)) of paragraph 1 of article 17 of the Decree Law 74/2006, of 24 March, with changes introduced in subsequent normative).
More information
The study cycle will have duration of 4 semesters and has been structured in the following manner:
The 1st semester comprises 3 curricular units, for a total of 30 credits;
The 2nd semester has a total of 3 curricular units and 30 credits;
In the 3rd semester, the students attend the curricular unit “Supervision Seminar” and start and carry out their Project/Thesis in Intercultural Mediation, for a total of 30 credits;
The 4th semester will be the conclusion of the Project/Thesis in Intercultural Mediation, which also will amount to 30 credits.