Beste masteropleidingen en Master Studies
MasterMaster en Big Data & Business Analytics
Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI)‣ Madrid , Spanje
7 maanden
15400 €
Este Master te preparará para acceder a los puestos más demandados por el mercado de las tecnologías Big Data.
Tags: Masters in Madrid, Masters in Escuela de Organización Industrial, Masters in Spanje, Masters in Business Analytics, Masters in Business, Masters in Business Studies,
MasterDiploma and University Master in Advanced European Studies
Fondazione Collegio Europeo di Parma (Collegio Europeo)‣ Parma , Italië
1 year
5000 €
DAES is a programme designed to provide tools for building up a European and international career.
Tags: Masters in Parma, Masters in Fondazione Collegio Europeo di Parma, Masters in Italië, Masters in Europese studies, Masters in Locatiestudies, Masters in Sociale Wetenschappen,
OnlineMasterMáster en RRHH: Dirección de Personas, Desarrollo de Talento y Gestión Laboral
Escuela Internacional de Posgrados (EIP)‣ Malaga , Spanje
13 months
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Te capacitará para asumir todas las funciones y responsabilidades propias de la dirección de un departamento de Recursos Humanos.
Tags: Masters in Malaga Online, Masters in Escuela Internacional de Posgrados Online, Masters in Spanje Online, Masters in Human Resource Development Online, Masters in Personeelsbeleid/Human Resources Online, Masters in Administratieve studies Online,
MAMA Filmmaking
Central Film School (CFS)‣ Londen , Verenigd Koningkrijk
1 year
10400 £
The MA Filmmaking course develops and nurtures independent filmmakers and prepares them for the professional film industry.
Tags: Masters in Londen, Masters in Central Film School, Masters in Verenigd Koningkrijk, Masters in Filmproductie, Masters in Filmstudies, Masters in Journalistiek en Massacommunicatie,
OnlineMasterMaster en Economía Circular
Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI)‣ Madrid , Spanje
1 year
10200 €
Permite comprender en profundidad las problemáticas relacionadas con el modelo lineal actual para poderlas transformar en oportunidades profesionales y de negocio hacia la Economía Circular.
Tags: Masters in Madrid Online, Masters in Escuela de Organización Industrial Online, Masters in Spanje Online, Masters in Milieuwetenschappen Online, Masters in Milieustudies Online,
MasterMBA Green & Tech
Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI)‣ Madrid , Spanje
10 maanden
17200 €
Responde a la necesidad de profesionales que combinen la sostenibilidad y la digitalización, pero con una clara vinculación al negocio.
Tags: Masters in Madrid, Masters in Escuela de Organización Industrial, Masters in Spanje, Masters in Business Administration, Masters in Internationale Bedrijfsadministratie, Masters in Business Studies,
MasterInternational Master in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility
Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI)‣ Madrid , Spanje
10 maanden
16400 €
Graduates of the International Master in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility program gain skills and competencies that are suitable for posts in a wide range of sectors and organizations both in Spain and internationally.
Tags: Masters in Madrid, Masters in Escuela de Organización Industrial, Masters in Spanje, Masters in Duurzame Ontwikkeling, Masters in Duurzame Economische Studies, Masters in Duurzaamheidsstudies,
Instituto Português de Administração de Marketing - Lisboa (IPAM Lisboa)‣ Lissabon , Portugal
2 years
6274 €
The world is moving at a very fast pace and modern business is increasingly global...
Tags: Masters in Lissabon, Masters in Instituto Português de Administração de Marketing - Lisboa, Masters in Portugal, Masters in Marketingmanagement, Masters in Marketing, Masters in Marketingstudies,
MasterMaster Sculpting Extreme
Universal Arts School (UA School)‣ Valencia , Spanje
2 years
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Program available in English and Spanish.
Tags: Masters in Valencia, Masters in Universal Arts School, Masters in Spanje, Masters in Game Design, Masters in Computer Arts, Masters in Kunststudies,
OnlineMAMA Screenwriting (online)
Central Film School (CFS)‣ Londen , Verenigd Koningkrijk
2 years
5200 £
Designed to allow you to study from anywhere in the world, this online, part time MA Screenwriting course develops and nurtures screenwriters and prepares them for the professional film and television industries.
Tags: Masters in Londen Online, Masters in Central Film School Online, Masters in Verenigd Koningkrijk Online, Masters in Scenarioschrijven Online, Masters in Filmstudies Online, Masters in Journalistiek en Massacommunicatie Online,
MasterMaster of Business Administration
EU Business School - Munich Campus (EU MUNICH)‣ Munich , Duitsland
1 year
22500 €
For professionals who want to change their career path, move into managerial positions.
Tags: Masters in Munich, Masters in EU Business School - Munich Campus, Masters in Duitsland, Masters in Business Administration, Masters in Internationale Bedrijfsadministratie, Masters in Business Studies,
OnlineMasterMáster en Dirección Financiera, Contable y Control de Gestión
Escuela Internacional de Posgrados (EIP)‣ Malaga , Spanje
13 months
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Te capacitará para liderar la gestión integral financiero-fiscal de las empresas.
Tags: Masters in Malaga Online, Masters in Escuela Internacional de Posgrados Online, Masters in Spanje Online, Masters in Accountancy en Financiën Online, Masters in Boekhouden Online, Masters in Economische studies Online,
OnlineMasterMaster en Desarrollo Sostenible y Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI)‣ Madrid , Spanje
10 maanden
10200 €
Te permitirá acceder a puestos directivos y técnicos en la gestión de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en empresas y entidades de cualquier sector, Administración Pública y organizaciones no gubernamentales.
Tags: Masters in Madrid Online, Masters in Escuela de Organización Industrial Online, Masters in Spanje Online, Masters in Duurzame Ontwikkeling Online, Masters in Duurzame Economische Studies Online, Masters in Duurzaamheidsstudies Online,
MasterMaster en Energías Renovables y Mercado Energético
Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI)‣ Madrid , Spanje
10 maanden
15400 €
Te capacita para desarrollar tu trayectoria profesional en compañías de energías renovables, ingeniería y consultoría energética, eléctricas y servicios energéticos.
Tags: Masters in Madrid, Masters in Escuela de Organización Industrial, Masters in Spanje, Masters in Duurzame Energie, Masters in Energie, Masters in Energiestudies,
MasterMaster Ilustration Concept Art
Universal Arts School (UA School)‣ Valencia , Spanje
2 years
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On campus (Valencia), Online and Blended. Program available in English and Spanish.
Tags: Masters in Valencia Online, Masters in Universal Arts School Online, Masters in Spanje Online, Masters in Concept Art Online, Masters in Illustreren Online, Masters in Kunststudies Online,
MasterFull-Time MBA
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rome , Italië
1 year
30000 €
It is an intensive programme that enables participants to develop a business strategy that includes creativity, international orientation, ethics and social responsibility, and to face the new challenges of worldwide leaders.
Tags: Masters in Rome, Masters in Luiss Business School Roma, Masters in Italië, Masters in Business Administration, Masters in Business Studies,
OnlineMasterMáster en Dirección de Compliance y Protección de Datos
Escuela Internacional de Posgrados (EIP)‣ Malaga , Spanje
1 year
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Te convertirá en un/a profesional de alta cualificación con las competencias necesarias para realizar tareas especializadas de protección de datos y cumplimiento normativo o Compliance.
Tags: Masters in Malaga Online, Masters in Escuela Internacional de Posgrados Online, Masters in Spanje Online, Masters in Naleving (compliance) Online, Masters in Financiën Online, Masters in Economische studies Online,
MasterMáster en Ingeniería y Gestión Medioambiental
Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI)‣ Madrid , Spanje
10 maanden
15400 €
Para jóvenes profesionales, titulados en carreras de ciencias e ingenierías que deseen especializarse en ingeniería y gestión medioambiental.
Tags: Masters in Madrid, Masters in Escuela de Organización Industrial, Masters in Spanje, Masters in Milieutechniek, Masters in Technische studies,
MasterMaster Matte Painting
Universal Arts School (UA School)‣ Valencia , Spanje
2 years
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On campus (Valencia), Online and Blended. Program available in English and Spanish.
Tags: Masters in Valencia Online, Masters in Universal Arts School Online, Masters in Spanje Online, Masters in Computer Arts Online, Masters in Computeranimatie Online, Masters in Game Design Online, Masters in Speciale Effecten Online, Masters in Web Design Online, Masters in Kunststudies Online,
MasterMaster Videogame Art
Universal Arts School (UA School)‣ Valencia , Spanje
2 years
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On campus (Valencia), Online and Blended. Program available in English and Spanish.
Tags: Masters in Valencia Online, Masters in Universal Arts School Online, Masters in Spanje Online, Masters in Game Design Online, Masters in Computer Arts Online, Masters in Kunststudies Online,
MasterMaster Game Design
Universal Arts School (UA School)‣ Valencia , Spanje
2 years
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On campus (Valencia), Online and Blended. Program available in English and Spanish.
Tags: Masters in Valencia Online, Masters in Universal Arts School Online, Masters in Spanje Online, Masters in Game Design Online, Masters in Computer Arts Online, Masters in Kunststudies Online,
MasterMBA in Blockchain Management
EU Business School (EU BCN)‣ Barcelona , Spanje
1 year
20850 €
A panoramic understanding of the fundamentals of blockchain.
Tags: Masters in Barcelona, Masters in EU Business School, Masters in Spanje, Masters in Bedrijfsmanagement, Masters in Franchisemanagement, Masters in Internationaal Bedrijfsmanagement, Masters in Small Business Management, Masters in Business Studies,
MasterMaster in Data Analytics (MDA)
ISDI (ISDI)‣ Madrid , Spanje
9 maanden
21450 €
Un programa único, diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de la empresa actual y futura.
Tags: Masters in Madrid, Masters in ISDI, Masters in Spanje, Masters in Data Analytics, Masters in Data Science, Masters in Technologiestudies,
MasterSustainability and Energy Industry - Major of the Master in International Management
Luiss Business School Milano (Luiss BS Milano)‣ Milaan , Italië
1 year
16000 €
The Master focuses on the transfer of basic knowledge about the Energy industry as well as developing a thorough knowledge of the Energy ecosystem.
Tags: Masters in Milaan, Masters in Luiss Business School Milano, Masters in Italië, Masters in Duurzame Energie, Masters in Energie, Masters in Energiestudies,
OnlineMasterMáster Universitario en Acceso a la Abogacía
Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM)‣ Murcia , Spanje
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15 months
5300 €
Contamos con un claustro de profesores y abogados especializados, que junto con los tutores de prácticas, garantizan una excelente formación teórica y práctica para superar el examen de Acceso a la Abogacía y el ejercicio de la profesión.
Tags: Masters in Murcia Online, Masters in Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia Online, Masters in Spanje Online, Masters in Rechten Online, Masters in Rechtenstudies Online, Masters in Rechtenstudies Online,
MasterMaster in Advanced Architecture - Computational Design & Digital Fabrication
Institut d'Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya (IAAC)‣ Barcelona , Spanje
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9 maanden
18750 €
Based in Barcelona, IAAC’s Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA) is a 1/2-year programme that revolutionizes current architectural approaches and methods training professionals to become changemakers in the arena of architecture and built environment.
Tags: Masters in Barcelona, Masters in Institut d'Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya, Masters in Spanje, Masters in Stedenbouw, Masters in Architectuurstudies,
MasterCreative Computing and Artificial Intelligence
IADE - Faculdade de Design Tecnologia e Comunicação (IADE)‣ Lissabon , Portugal
2 years
5019 €
The master degree in Creative Computing and Artificial Intelligence aims to be a strong option...
Tags: Masters in Lissabon, Masters in IADE - Faculdade de Design Tecnologia e Comunicação, Masters in Portugal, Masters in Kunstmatige Intelligentie, Masters in Computerwetenschappen, Masters in Technologiestudies,
MasterCustomer Experience Management – Major of the Master in Marketing Management
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rome , Italië
1 year
16000 €
The Major aims at providing a real understanding of the customer and the variables that influence its experience in the multiple interactions with the company.
Tags: Masters in Rome, Masters in Luiss Business School Roma, Masters in Italië, Masters in Marketingmanagement, Masters in Marketing, Masters in Marketingstudies,
OnlineMasterEcommerce Activation Program (ECOM)
ISDI (ISDI)‣ Madrid , Spanje
4 maanden
7650 €
Un programa online diseñado para profesionales que buscan comprender los secretos del ecommerce.
Tags: Masters in Madrid Online, Masters in ISDI Online, Masters in Spanje Online, Masters in E-Commerce Online, Masters in Business Studies Online,
MasterMáster Executive MBA
Escuela de Negocios y Administración de Empresas (ENAE)‣ Murcia , Spanje
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10 maanden
16500 €
Programa de formación innovadora y práctica para la adquisición de una visión global del mercado enfocada en la internacionalización y digitalización, capaces de alcanzar la excelencia en el liderazgo como empresarios y directivos.
Tags: Masters in Murcia, Masters in Escuela de Negocios y Administración de Empresas, Masters in Spanje, Masters in Business Administration, Masters in Internationale Bedrijfsadministratie, Masters in Business Studies,
MAM.A. in International Relations and Diplomacy
Anglo-americká vysoká škola, o.p.s. (AAUNI)‣ Praag , Tsjechische Republiek
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2 years
393900 Kč
The MA in International Relations and Diplomacy is an internationally accredited program.
Tags: Masters in Praag, Masters in Anglo-americká vysoká škola, o.p.s., Masters in Tsjechische Republiek, Masters in Internationale Samenwerking, Masters in Internationale betrekkingen, Masters in Sociale Wetenschappen,
Instituto Português de Administração de Marketing - Porto (IPAM Porto)‣ Porto , Portugal
2 years
6274 €
This Global Master is a pioneering program in Portugal and Europe...
Tags: Masters in Porto, Masters in Instituto Português de Administração de Marketing - Porto, Masters in Portugal, Masters in Marketingmanagement, Masters in Marketing, Masters in Marketingstudies,
OnlineMasterMáster en Negocio - ThePowerMBA
ThePowerMBA (TPMBA)‣ Madrid , Spanje
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6 maanden
499 €
Máster completo de negocio (estrategia, marketing, Lean Startup…) en el que aprendes con los emprendedores, empresarios y directivos de las empresas que están cambiando el mundo (Amazon, Tesla, etc).
Tags: Masters in Madrid Online, Masters in ThePowerMBA Online, Masters in Spanje Online, Masters in Business Administration Online, Masters in Internationale Bedrijfsadministratie Online, Masters in Business Studies Online,
MasterMaster in Business Administration
IMT Business School (IMT)‣ Dubai , Verenigde Arabische Emiraten
1 year
23000 US$
This program is appropriate for those aspiring to become global managers.
Tags: Masters in Dubai, Masters in IMT Business School, Masters in Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, Masters in Business Administration, Masters in Internationale Bedrijfsadministratie, Masters in Business Studies,
MasterMaster in Intercultural Studies for Business
Porto Accounting and Business School (ISCAP)‣ Porto , Portugal
2 years
1500 €
The Master in Intercultural Studies for Business opens new international horizons for students. The course was unconditionally approved for 6 years by the national A3Es accreditation agency.
Tags: Masters in Porto, Masters in Porto Accounting and Business School, Masters in Portugal, Masters in Interculturele studies, Masters in Culturele studies, Masters in Sociale Wetenschappen,
MasterDigital MBA
ISDI (ISDI)‣ Madrid , Spanje
9 maanden
26950 €
The MBA that provides knowledge, technology certifications, methodologies and professional practice
Tags: Masters in Madrid, Masters in ISDI, Masters in Spanje, Masters in Business Administration, Masters in Internationale Bedrijfsadministratie, Masters in Business Studies,
MasterMaster Marketing Automation (MMA)
ISDI (ISDI)‣ Madrid , Spanje
9 maanden
21450 €
Te ayudará a formar parte y liderar el MarTech, la fusión del marketing y la tecnología.
Tags: Masters in Madrid, Masters in ISDI, Masters in Spanje, Masters in Strategische Marketing, Masters in Marketing, Masters in Marketingstudies,
MScMaster in Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy
American College of Greece (ACG)‣ Athene , Griekenland
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2 years
14580 €
Counselling psychology is a branch of applied professional psychology...
Tags: Masters in Athene, Masters in American College of Greece, Masters in Griekenland, Masters in Psychologie, Masters in Abnormale Psychologie, Masters in Verslavingspsychologie, Masters in Toegepaste Psychologie, Masters in Gedragswetenschappen, Masters in Kinderpsychologie, Masters in Klinische Psychologie, Masters in Cognitieve Psychologie, Masters in Ontwikkelingspsychologie, Masters in Gezinspsychologie, Masters in Forensische Psychologie, Masters in Menselijke Seksualiteit, Masters in Neuropsychologie, Masters in Organisatiepsychologie, Masters in Psychologisch Onderzoek, Masters in Schoolpsychologie, Masters in Sociale psychologie, Masters in Geestelijke gezondheidszorg,
MasterMaster in Gestione delle Risorse Umane e Organizzazione
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rome , Italië
1 year
16000 €
Learn the main HR Management practices and the dynamics that govern the management of human capital and how to address the main challenges that human resources directorates face.
Tags: Masters in Rome, Masters in Luiss Business School Roma, Masters in Italië, Masters in Human Resource Management, Masters in Personeelsbeleid/Human Resources, Masters in Administratieve studies,
MasterInternational Management
Luiss Business School Milano (Luiss BS Milano)‣ Milaan , Italië
1 year
16000 €
Held in Milan and Amsterdam. Students will match strong business fundamental skills with real-world situations and acquire all the tools they need to succeed in today’s complex world.
Tags: Masters in Milaan, Masters in Luiss Business School Milano, Masters in Italië, Masters in International Management, Masters in Managementstudies,
MAPostgraduate Certificate in Cyber Security
Howest University of Applied Sciences (HOWEST)‣ Kortrijk , België
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3 years
2500 €
The Postgraduate Certificate in Cyber Security at Howest University of Applied Sciences in Belgium.
Tags: Masters in Kortrijk, Masters in Howest University of Applied Sciences, Masters in België, Masters in Cyberbeveiliging, Masters in Informatietechnologie, Masters in Technologiestudies,
MasterInternational Management
Luiss Business School Amsterdam (Luiss BS Amsterdam)‣ Amsterdam , Nederland
1 year
16000 €
Held in Milan and Amsterdam. Students will match strong business fundamental skills with real-world situations and acquire all the tools they need to succeed in today’s complex world.
Tags: Masters in Amsterdam, Masters in Luiss Business School Amsterdam, Masters in Nederland, Masters in International Management, Masters in Managementstudies,
OnlineMasterMBA Máster en Administración y Dirección de Empresas
Instituto Superior Europeo de Barcelona (ISEB)‣ Barcelona , Spanje
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1 year
1250 €
El MBA te proporcionará conocimientos en marketing, finanzas, recursos humanos, aprovisionamiento, comunicación y gestión del talento, implantación y formulación de estrategias de éxito basadas en las necesidades de cada organización.
Tags: Masters in Barcelona Online, Masters in Instituto Superior Europeo de Barcelona Online, Masters in Spanje Online, Masters in Administratie, Bedrijfskunde en Economie Online, Masters in Professionele studies Online,
MasterBusiness Transformation - Major of the Master in Management and Technology
Luiss Business School Roma (Luiss BS Roma)‣ Rome , Italië
1 year
16000 €
It develops digital capabilities, managerial skills and leadership techniques required to succeed in firms operating in the digital ecosystem or in businesses undergoing a digital transformation process.
Tags: Masters in Rome, Masters in Luiss Business School Roma, Masters in Italië, Masters in Technologiemanagement, Masters in Technologiestudies,
MasterMestrado em Informática
Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas (ISTEC)‣ Lissabon , Portugal
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Construir e aprofundar conhecimentos em áreas emergentes dentro da Informática e da Multimédia
Tags: Masters in Lissabon, Masters in Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas, Masters in Portugal, Masters in Computing, Masters in Computerwetenschappen, Masters in Technologiestudies,
MADesign for Health and Wellbeing
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)‣ Leiria , Portugal
2 years
1140 €
The goal of this master’s is to teach project professionals w/ interdisciplinary knowledge/skills.
Tags: Masters in Leiria, Masters in Politécnico de Leiria, Masters in Portugal, Masters in Kunst en Vormgeving, Masters in Professionele studies,
MasterEnglish as a Second Language
Miami International University of Art & Design (ARTINSTITUTES)‣ Miami , Verenigde Staten
6 maanden
3500 US$
Develop your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
Tags: Masters in Miami, Masters in Miami International University of Art & Design, Masters in Verenigde Staten, Masters in Engels als Tweede Taal (ESL), Masters in Engels, Masters in Talen,
MasterMaster in Business Management
Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa Luís de Camoes (UAL)‣ Lissabon , Portugal
2 years
295 €
To provide students with high quality training at international level in the field of management
Tags: Masters in Lissabon, Masters in Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa Luís de Camoes, Masters in Portugal, Masters in Bedrijfsmanagement, Masters in Franchisemanagement, Masters in Internationaal Bedrijfsmanagement, Masters in Small Business Management, Masters in Business Studies,
MAMA in Applied Linguistics
Mary Immaculate College (MIC-UL)‣ Limerick , Ierland
18 months
12825 €
The Master's in Applied Linguistics provides a broad-based course of study in language description.
Tags: Masters in Limerick, Masters in Mary Immaculate College, Masters in Ierland, Masters in Toegepaste Taalkunde, Masters in Taalwetenschappen, Masters in Geesteswetenschappen Studies,
MScMaster in Gastronomy
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)‣ Leiria , Portugal
2 years
1140 €
Provides a specialized training in gastronomy and restaurant industry.
Tags: Masters in Leiria, Masters in Politécnico de Leiria, Masters in Portugal, Masters in Gastronomie, Masters in Culinaire Vaardigheden, Masters in Food and Beverage Studies,
What is a Master's Degree?
If you've ever wondered what a master's degree is, it is a graduate academic degree. Many students wonder what a master's degree is for and the answer is simple: to get specialized.
This academic degree is offered by many universities around the world. There are different types of master's degrees from Engineering, Marketing, Business, to Art, Law, and Humanities, among many more.
Find out what a master's degree is and find the one that best suits your interests. Once you have achieved your master's degree, start working on your specialization or broaden the research of your study area and become a specialist!
What is a university-specific master's degree? Differences between official master's degree and university-specific master's degree.
We are used to hearing about university-specific titles and official titles, but what is a university-specific master's degree? A university-specific master's degree is the one that is recognized by the institution that teaches it, while the official master's degree is the one that is recognized by both the institution and the Spanish Ministry of Education. The difference between them lies only in the approval, recognition, and validity of the degree, since at the educational level both are equally competent
What if a master's degree is not official? It depends on whether you plan on getting a doctorate or getting a position in public administration, for example. It should be borne in mind that the validity of university-specific master’s degrees is not the same as that of the official, therefore, you need to to know if a master's degree is official and approved. If you are interested, you can visit the official website of the Ministry of Education.
How many credits does a master's degree have?
ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits were implemented to measure students' effort. For the most curious, you'll like to know that each credit equals a total of 25 hours of study.
To find out how many ECTS credits a master's degree has, we must first focus on its duration. Depending on the master's degree duration (one or two years), you will need to complete from 60 to 120 ECTS credits. These credits represent core subjects, optional subjects, compulsory subjects, external internships, and the final research thesis.
For those who ask, there is no difference between how many credits have an official master's degree and how many credits have a university-specific master's degree since these credits depend on the content of the master's degree, not on its validity or official recognition.
Master's duration
The answer to how long a master's degree lasts depends on several factors. You must take into account the specialization (MA, MSc, MBA...), the university in which you take your master's degree, as well as the hours of the official or university-specific master's degree, depending on the credits required.
The duration of the master's degree is from 1 to 2 years in most countries around the world, with a total of between 600 and 1200 hours. In Spain the duration of the master's degree is usually 2 years, as in Germany. In other countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, or Canada, the duration is usually the same, with the possibility of completing the two academic years in just 1 year by studying more subjects, although it also depends on the type of master's degree and the university.
In Latin America, there are two types of postgraduate studies. On the one hand, there is a specialization, which usually lasts a year; on the other hand, there is a master's degree, which lasts 2 years.
In Asia, it usually lasts from 1 to 2 years, but there are also master's programs of up to 4 yearswhich are usually MSc, or Master of Science.
Master's degree requirements
Another question is… Who can do a master's degree? Have you finished your bachelor's degree but you don't know whether you meet the entry requirements for a Masters-level degree? Here we gather them for you!
What do you need to do to study a Master's degree?
- You must have an official academic degree in higher education, like a Bachelor's Degree. One of the requirements to access a master's degree is to have an official university degree.
- Demonstrate your language proficiency. Many universities require a second language, which is usually English, but always depends on the university. You will need to demonstrate your English Language Proficiency through the TOEFL or IELTS test or do a language level test.
- Apply or your master's degree. Don't forget that every master's degree has an application period, so try to apply for your place as soon as possible.
You should keep in mind that these are general requirements, so you should review the specific admission process for your university and specifically for the master's degree you choose.
Now that you know what the requirements are, don't wait any longer, choose the master that best suits you and show what you're made of!