Master in Energy and Environmental Engineering
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)
Plaats Leiria, Portugal
Degree Type MSc
Start Date 02/09/2021
Looptijd 2 years
Application Deadline Request info
Taal PortuguĂŞs
Aanwezigheid On Campus
Toewijding Part-time
Pace Instructor-paced
Tuition fees 697 €
Beschrijving programma
The Energy and its relationship with the Environment are important factors of sustained economic growth and competitiveness, and the energy sector accounts for diverse and significant environmental impacts. This MSc aims to meet the needs of specialization in the formation of professionals with an integrated vision in energy and environment. Provides participants technical and scientific skills to the level of renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy production and environmental technologies associated with the management of water, air, waste, noise and transport. Are still conferred on the areas of energy and environmental policies, in its dimensions ecological, social, economic and technological developments, with a view to promoting sustainable development and management.
Conditions of admission
Who can apply to the Master’s Degree?
- Holders of an undergraduate degree or a legal equivalent in engineering or technology;
- Holders of a foreign higher education diploma, granted after a first cycle of studies, under the principles of the Bologna Process, by a State, which has subscribed this Process, in engineering or technology;
- Holders of a foreign higher education diploma that is recognized as meeting the objectives of an undergraduate degree by the Technical and Scientific Council of the School of Technology and Management, in engineering or technology;
- Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as certifying the skills to attend this cycle of studies by the Technical and Scientific Council of the School of Technology and Management.