LOUIS activiteit
Hello, My name is Louis and I am 21 years old!? I am in business school and as part of this training, I have to do an internship of 4 months (April 25 / August 25). I am a jovial, social person. In fact, I like to live my life to the fullest. My goal will be to meet new...
por LOUIS en Erasmus forum Kopenhagen -
I'm from France and I am looking for someone who likes to socialize and enjoy life
Hi everyone, I'm looking for a roommate in Copenhagen!I'm coming to meet people, party and discover the country. But the main reason I came to Copenhagen is to do an internship for my business school. My name is Louis, I'm 21 years old and I'm here to live my adventure,...
in Huisgenoten Kopenhagen, 3 jaar geleden