Filip activiteit
Erasmus Rome 2014 / 2015 (English)
Do anybody want to meet somewhere, have a drink and meet some new people? I think that there Are Plenty of people who came on their own and It would be nice to get to know each other!:)
por Filip en Erasmus forum Rome -
Seeking for flatmates
Hi im Filip 22 , I am on erasmus exchange at Lumsa University and I am looking for some people to share a flat with, Please contact me if you're intrested
por Filip en Erasmus forum Rome -
Looking for flatmates
Hi guys my name is Filip, I'm 22 from Poland. I'm staying in rome till february. I study law at LUMSA university. i am looking for other people to share a flat with. It would be great to rent a flat in the center of rome. If you Feel like sharing flat, Please contact me!
por Filip en Erasmus forum Rome -
Hi Dede, my name is Filip, im 22 from poland, i am also looking for a shared flat for couple months and Im also very intrested in convinient location, because im studying at LUMSA which is in Vatican. Let me know if you are intrested .;)
por Filip en Erasmus forum Rome