Charlotte Marie

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    Hola Carla,  Lo siento para mi repuesta tardia. No he visto tu mensaje. Sera mi primera vez in Mexico. Me voy a Tech de Monterrey para mis estudios de diseno. Si necesito tu ayuda te diré. Lo siento para mi malo espanol, solia hablar Inglès ahora. Cheers ! :)

  • Forum


    Salut Karla, moi je suis française et je vais venir étudier à Monterrey au Mexique. Je peux t'aider si tu veux pour préparer le voyage ! Tu peux me contacter sur linkedin : Charlotte Marie. Cheers !

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    Javier Lopez => This Oceane Ginette Maria Renouf also contact me one week ago, Thanks to Léa Charpentier nothing happened ! I can give you her (his?) email (I can't event put mail in this comment because the website is blocking me...), she is probably using another...

  • huigenoten

    21 years old girl looking for accomodation in Geneva.

    Hello ! I am a French Student currently studying in 3rd year Industrial Design in India, speaking french, english and spanish fluently. I am looking for a living and friendly place to share with other persons during my 6 month internship in Geneva. I am someone...

    in Huisgenoten Geneva, 10 jaar geleden

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