cansu cns

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cansu activiteit

  • Plek

    Cafe de les deux magots

    I heard this place from my boyfriend that he told, years ago, the intellectual people of Paris who Simone de Beauvoir, Jean Paul Sartre, Albert Camus etc had come here and shared their opinions or just done somethings else in this cafe. Therefore, we visited there and...

  • Plek

    100 Montaditos

    100 Montaditos restaurants are located in many places in Madrid. It's famous for its 100 types of small sandwiches and additionally you can taste potatos with different and delicious souces, drink beer and Sangría, etc. While I was living in Madrid, Wednesdays were...

  • Ervaring

    Erasmus Experience in Madrid, Spain by cansu

    Why did you choose to go to Madrid, Spanje? I had always been interested in Spanish Culture before I went to Spain (still also :)) I had taken Spanish language courses that also affected my decision process. At the very beginning I had decided to go Madrid, however,...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Madrid 2011 / 2012 (English)

    Aun buscando una habitacion pero no he buscado todavia :/ alguien que neceita una persona para compartir un piso??

  • Forum

    Erasmus Madrid 2011 / 2012 (English)

    Hello everyone.I'm Cansu from Turkey,I will study at UAM between September and February.I'm looking for a room preferebly in girls live.I prefer places where I can easly reach UAM.Any offer,send me message

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