Beste Bachelor diploma’s en Programma’s
BABA (Hons) International Hospitality Management
Mediterranean College (MEDCOLLEGE)‣ Thessaloniki , Griekenland
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The degree is designed to give you the management and operational skills needed to succeed in the hospitality industry of the 2020s and beyond
Tags: Bachelors in Thessaloniki, Bachelors in Mediterranean College, Bachelors in Griekenland, Bachelors in Internationaal Hospitality Management, Bachelors in Hospitality, Bachelors in Toerisme en Hospitality,
BachelorLicenciatura em Enfermagem ESESFM
Escola Superior de Enfermagem São Francisco das Misericórdias (ENFERMAGEM)‣ Lissabon , Portugal
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Conferem a formação científica, técnica, humana e cultural, no âmbito da prestação, investigação e gestão de cuidados de enfermagem gerais, à pessoa ao longo do seu ciclo de vida, à família, grupos e comunidade, atendendo aos diferentes níveis de prevenção
Tags: Bachelors in Lissabon, Bachelors in Escola Superior de Enfermagem São Francisco das Misericórdias, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Gezondheid, Bachelors in Professionele studies,
BachelorLicenciatura em Enfermagem
ESECVP-Escola Superior de Enfermagem Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa - Alto Tâmega (ESECVP)‣ Chaves , Portugal
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Este ciclo de estudos tem por finalidade assegurar que os estudantes adquiram uma sólida formação científica, técnica, ética e relacional.
Tags: Bachelors in Chaves, Bachelors in ESECVP-Escola Superior de Enfermagem Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa - Alto Tâmega, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Gezondheid, Bachelors in Professionele studies,
BachelorBachelor of Business (Honours) with International Business
Galway Business School (GBS)‣ Galway , Ierland
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Bachelor of Business (Honours) with International Business
Tags: Bachelors in Galway, Bachelors in Galway Business School, Bachelors in Ierland, Bachelors in International Business, Bachelors in Afrikaans Bedrijfsleven, Bachelors in Aziatisch Bedrijfsleven, Bachelors in European Business, Bachelors in Global Business, Bachelors in Noord-Amerikaans Bedrijfsleven, Bachelors in Bedrijfsleven in Pacific Gebied, Bachelors in Zuid-Amerikaans Bedrijfsleven, Bachelors in Business Studies,
BachelorLicenciatura em Design - Ramo em Design Industrial
Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design - Campus Vila do Conde (ESMAD)‣ Vila do Conde , Portugal
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Na Licenciatura em Design os estudantes podem escolher a sua especialização: design gráfico e de publicidade ou design industrial
Tags: Bachelors in Vila do Conde, Bachelors in Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design - Campus Vila do Conde, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Industrieel Ontwerpen, Bachelors in Ontwerpstudies,
BachelorBachelor in Gastronomy and Restaurant Management
Visoka Poslovna škola PAR (PAR)‣ Rijeka , Kroatië
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Upon graduation, the title of Bachelor of Economics ( bacc. oec. ) is acquired.
Tags: Bachelors in Rijeka, Bachelors in Visoka Poslovna škola PAR, Bachelors in Kroatië, Bachelors in Gastronomie, Bachelors in Culinaire Vaardigheden, Bachelors in Food and Beverage Studies,
BachelorLicenciatura em Artes Plásticas e Intermédia
Escola Superior Artística do Porto (ESAP)‣ Porto , Portugal
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A Licenciatura em Artes Plásticas e Intermédia, de cariz universitária, privilegia a prática projectual interdisciplinar.
Tags: Bachelors in Porto, Bachelors in Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Kunst en Vormgeving, Bachelors in Professionele studies,
BachelorAnglophone Studies
Metropolitan University Prague (MUP)‣ Praag , Tsjechische Republiek
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Anglophone Studies Bachelor
Tags: Bachelors in Praag, Bachelors in Metropolitan University Prague, Bachelors in Tsjechische Republiek, Bachelors in Engels, Bachelors in Academisch Engels, Bachelors in Luchtvaart Engels, Bachelors in Zakelijk Engels, Bachelors in Engels als Tweede Taal (ESL), Bachelors in Intensief Engels, Bachelors in Juridisch Engels, Bachelors in Talen,
BachelorBachelor in International Management: Sports Management option
Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Clermont-Ferrand (ESC Clermont)‣ Clermont-Ferrand , Frankrijk
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Bachelor in International Management: Sports Management option
Tags: Bachelors in Clermont-Ferrand, Bachelors in Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Clermont-Ferrand, Bachelors in Frankrijk, Bachelors in Internationaal Sportmanagement, Bachelors in Sport Business, Bachelors in Sport,
BScBusiness and International Relations BSc
Aston University (ASTON)‣ Birmingham , Verenigd Koningkrijk
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Business and International Relations BSc
Tags: Bachelors in Birmingham, Bachelors in Aston University, Bachelors in Verenigd Koningkrijk, Bachelors in Internationale betrekkingen, Bachelors in Humanitaire Hulp, Bachelors in Internationale Betrekkingen, Bachelors in Internationale Samenwerking, Bachelors in Sociale Wetenschappen,
BachelorLicenciatura em Economia
Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto (FEP)‣ Porto , Portugal
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A Licenciatura em Economia, que tem vindo a funcionar desde a criação da Faculdade em 1953, serve actualmente cerca de 1000 alunos, sendo reconhecida pela sua elevada qualidade e empregabilidade
Tags: Bachelors in Porto, Bachelors in Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Administratie, Bedrijfskunde en Economie, Bachelors in Professionele studies,
BachelorEconomics and Business Administration
Aarhus Universitet (AU)‣ Aabyhoj , Denemarken
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Economics and Business Administration
Tags: Bachelors in Aabyhoj, Bachelors in Aarhus Universitet, Bachelors in Denemarken, Bachelors in Administratie, Bedrijfskunde en Economie, Bachelors in Professionele studies,
BachelorLicenciatura em Comunicação Aplicada
Universidade Lusófona do Porto (ULP)‣ Porto , Portugal
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A licenciatura em Comunicação Aplicada: Marketing e Publicidade tem como objetivo formar especialistas aptos a desenvolver e implementar estratégias e políticas de comunicação para empresas e para instituições públicas, privadas e não-governamentais.
Tags: Bachelors in Porto, Bachelors in Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Publishing, Bachelors in Marketingstudies,
BachelorFinance and Accounting - Corporate Finance
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku (WSB)‣ Gdansk , Polen
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With the Finance and Accounting Bachelor you will learn all the Corporate Finance keys.
Tags: Bachelors in Gdansk, Bachelors in Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku, Bachelors in Polen, Bachelors in Corporate Finance, Bachelors in Financiën, Bachelors in Economische studies,
BachelorLicenciatura em Gestão Aeronáutica
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Technologias (ULHT)‣ Lissabon , Portugal
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A Licenciatura em Gestão Aeronáutica da Universidade Lusófona, em Lisboa, dota os discentes para o exercício de atividades profissionais na área da Gestão Aeronáutica.
Tags: Bachelors in Lissabon, Bachelors in Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Technologias, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Lucht-en Ruimtevaarttechniek, Bachelors in Werktuigbouwkunde, Bachelors in Technische studies,
BachelorLicenciatura em Engenharia Eletrotécnica - Sistemas Eléctricos de Energia
Porto Superior Institute of Engineering (ISEP)‣ Porto , Portugal
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Licenciatura em Engenharia Eletrotécnica - Sistemas Eléctricos de Energia
Tags: Bachelors in Porto, Bachelors in Porto Superior Institute of Engineering, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Elektrotechniek, Bachelors in Telecommunicatietechniek, Bachelors in Technische studies,
BachelorBachelor Degree in Psychology
Mykolo Romerio Universitetas (MRUNI)‣ Vilnius , Litouwen
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Bachelor Degree in Psychology
Tags: Bachelors in Vilnius, Bachelors in Mykolo Romerio Universitetas, Bachelors in Litouwen, Bachelors in Psychologie, Bachelors in Abnormale Psychologie, Bachelors in Verslavingspsychologie, Bachelors in Toegepaste Psychologie, Bachelors in Gedragswetenschappen, Bachelors in Kinderpsychologie, Bachelors in Klinische Psychologie, Bachelors in Cognitieve Psychologie, Bachelors in Ontwikkelingspsychologie, Bachelors in Gezinspsychologie, Bachelors in Forensische Psychologie, Bachelors in Menselijke Seksualiteit, Bachelors in Neuropsychologie, Bachelors in Organisatiepsychologie, Bachelors in Psychologisch Onderzoek, Bachelors in Schoolpsychologie, Bachelors in Sociale psychologie, Bachelors in Geestelijke gezondheidszorg,
BachelorLicenciatura em Design de Comunicação
Escola Superior Artística do Porto (ESAP)‣ Porto , Portugal
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A Licenciatura em Design de Comunicação, apresenta um desenho curricular focado nas áreas do design gráfico e design multimédia, contemplando, no entanto, as áreas do audiovisual e da fotografia.
Tags: Bachelors in Porto, Bachelors in Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Communicatieontwerp, Bachelors in Ontwerpstudies,
BachelorTecnologias de Comunicação Multimédia
Instituto Universitário da Maia (ISMAI)‣ Maia , Portugal
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Tecnologias de Comunicação Multimédia
Tags: Bachelors in Maia, Bachelors in Instituto Universitário da Maia, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Mediatechnologie, Bachelors in Media, Bachelors in Journalistiek en Massacommunicatie,
BachelorBachelor of Applied Computer Sciences - major Cybersecurity
Howest University of Applied Sciences (HOWEST)‣ Kortrijk , België
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3 years
961 €
In this bachelor major you study the specific problems in the field of security.
Tags: Bachelors in Kortrijk, Bachelors in Howest University of Applied Sciences, Bachelors in België, Bachelors in Cyberbeveiliging, Bachelors in Informatietechnologie, Bachelors in Technologiestudies,
BABachelor of Digital Media Arts
University of New York in Prague (UNYP)‣ Praag , Tsjechische Republiek
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4 jaar
93400 Kč
Bachelor of Digital Media Arts
Tags: Bachelors in Praag, Bachelors in University of New York in Prague, Bachelors in Tsjechische Republiek, Bachelors in Digitale Media, Bachelors in Media, Bachelors in Journalistiek en Massacommunicatie,
OnlineBachelorDoctor of Business Administration (DBA)
SSBM - Swiss School of Business and Management (SSBM)‣ Geneva , Zwitserland
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3 years
9000 €
The objective of this professional doctorate in business administration is to provide with the opportunity to make significant contribution to both theory and practice in the field and to develop professional practice at the highest level.
Tags: Bachelors in Geneva Online, Bachelors in SSBM - Swiss School of Business and Management Online, Bachelors in Zwitserland Online, Bachelors in Business Administration Online, Bachelors in Internationale Bedrijfsadministratie Online, Bachelors in Business Studies Online,
BAUndergraduate in Cultural Programming and Production
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)‣ Leiria , Portugal
3 years
697 €
Undergraduate in Cultural Programming and Production
Tags: Bachelors in Leiria, Bachelors in Politécnico de Leiria, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Culturele studies, Bachelors in Vergelijkende Cultuurstudies, Bachelors in Diversiteitsstudies, Bachelors in Erfgoedstudies, Bachelors in Inheemse studies, Bachelors in Interculturele studies, Bachelors in Sociale Wetenschappen,
Sopocka Szkoła Wyższa (SSW)‣ Sopot , Polen
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3 years
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Studiując na kierunku ekonomia studenci zdobywają szeroką wiedzę z zakresu praw rządzących rynkiem, polityki społecznej i gospodarczej, funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw oraz zarządzania w organizacjach.
Tags: Bachelors in Sopot, Bachelors in Sopocka Szkoła Wyższa, Bachelors in Polen, Bachelors in Administratie, Bedrijfskunde en Economie, Bachelors in Professionele studies,
BachelorPattern Maker
Escola de Moda do Porto (EMP)‣ Porto , Portugal
3 years
470 €
The course offer students a Level IV qualification.
Tags: Bachelors in Porto, Bachelors in Escola de Moda do Porto, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Modeontwerp, Bachelors in Mode,
BScBachelor Degree in Sports Management
European School of Economics - Milan Campus (ESE Milan)‣ Milaan , Italië
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3 years
22000 €
It will help you how to control fan-packed stadiums, plans and produce sports memorabilia or even managing a single player image. You'll have access to all our campuses in Milan, Madrid, London, New York, Florence and Rome.
Tags: Bachelors in Milaan, Bachelors in European School of Economics - Milan Campus, Bachelors in Italië, Bachelors in Sport Business Management, Bachelors in Sport Business, Bachelors in Sport,
BachelorPhysiotherapy Degree
Escola Superior Saúde Santa Maria (ESSSM)‣ Porto , Portugal
4 jaar
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To develop knowledge, skills and competences, in the autonomous performance of physiotherapy
Tags: Bachelors in Porto, Bachelors in Escola Superior Saúde Santa Maria, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Gezondheid, Bachelors in Professionele studies,
BachelorBachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design
Miami International University of Art & Design (ARTINSTITUTES)‣ Miami , Verenigde Staten
4 jaar
19800 US$
Tags: Bachelors in Miami, Bachelors in Miami International University of Art & Design, Bachelors in Verenigde Staten, Bachelors in Beeldende kunst, Bachelors in Animatie, Bachelors in Tekenen, Bachelors in Beeldende Kunsten Studies, Bachelors in Schilderen, Bachelors in Kunststudies,
BScUndergraduate in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)‣ Leiria , Portugal
3 years
697 €
Undergraduate in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Tags: Bachelors in Leiria, Bachelors in Politécnico de Leiria, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Computertechniek, Bachelors in Computerwetenschappen, Bachelors in Technologiestudies,
BachelorHotel Management Higher Diploma
Mesoyios College (MESOYIOS)‣ Limassol , Cyprus
3 years
5000 €
The Hospitality Operations Management Program, through a combination of theoretical courses...
Tags: Bachelors in Limassol, Bachelors in Mesoyios College, Bachelors in Cyprus, Bachelors in Hotelmanagement, Bachelors in Internationaal Hotelmanagement, Bachelors in Toerisme en Hospitality,
BachelorLicenciatura em Teatro
Escola Superior Artística do Porto (ESAP)‣ Porto , Portugal
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Licenciatura em Teatro - tem como objectivo primordial aprofundar o domínio dos mecanismos inerentes à criação teatral, fundamentalmente no território da Interpretação.
Tags: Bachelors in Porto, Bachelors in Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Theaterproductie, Bachelors in Theaterstudies, Bachelors in Podiumkunsten,
BachelorArte Multimédia
Instituto Universitário da Maia (ISMAI)‣ Maia , Portugal
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Arte Multimédia
Tags: Bachelors in Maia, Bachelors in Instituto Universitário da Maia, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Multimedia, Bachelors in Media, Bachelors in Journalistiek en Massacommunicatie,
BachelorLicenciatura Engenharia Multimédia
Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas (ISTEC)‣ Lissabon , Portugal
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Formar especialistas no domínio das tecnologias computacionais multimédia
Tags: Bachelors in Lissabon, Bachelors in Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Multimedia, Bachelors in Media, Bachelors in Journalistiek en Massacommunicatie,
BachelorBachelor in Internal Security
Elbląska Uczelnia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna (EUH)‣ Elblag , Polen
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These studies will create a staff of well-trained employees in the internal security sector.
Tags: Bachelors in Elblag, Bachelors in Elbląska Uczelnia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna, Bachelors in Polen, Bachelors in Internationale Veiligheid, Bachelors in Politicologie, Bachelors in Sociale Wetenschappen,
BachelorBachelier en traduction et interprétation
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)‣ Brussel , België
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Le Bachelier en Traduction et Interprétation s’adresse à celles et ceux qui sont curieux des langues, des cultures et du monde, et sont également exigeants sur la qualité de l’expression linguistique.
Tags: Bachelors in Brussel, Bachelors in Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bachelors in België, Bachelors in Vertalen, Bachelors in Taalstudies, Bachelors in Geesteswetenschappen Studies,
BScBSc (Hons) Sports Science and Coaching
Mediterranean College (MEDCOLLEGE)‣ Thessaloniki , Griekenland
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The programme is designed to offer a combination of theoretical and practical knowledge to prepare you for different roles in the industry
Tags: Bachelors in Thessaloniki, Bachelors in Mediterranean College, Bachelors in Griekenland, Bachelors in Sportwetenschappen, Bachelors in Sport,
BachelorBachelor of Business Degree
Galway Business School (GBS)‣ Galway , Ierland
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Bachelor of Business Degree
Tags: Bachelors in Galway, Bachelors in Galway Business School, Bachelors in Ierland, Bachelors in Verkoop, Bachelors in Key Account Management, Bachelors in Retentiemanagement, Bachelors in Business Studies,
BachelorLicenciatura em Artes Visuais-Fotografia
Escola Superior Artística do Porto (ESAP)‣ Porto , Portugal
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A licenciatura em Artes Visuais - Fotografia apresenta-se como um processo educativo aberto, no qual o dispositivo fotográfico é explorado no âmbito da prática artística interdisciplinar e da criação contemporânea.
Tags: Bachelors in Porto, Bachelors in Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Fotografie, Bachelors in Luchtfotografie, Bachelors in Commerciële Fotografie, Bachelors in Digitale Fotografie, Bachelors in Modefotografie, Bachelors in Filmfotografie, Bachelors in Kunststudies,
BachelorLicenciatura em Gestão
Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto (FEP)‣ Porto , Portugal
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A Licenciatura em Gestão foi criada em 1987 e tem atualmente cerca de 750 alunos inscritos. O curso está adaptado ao modelo de Bolonha, tendo uma duração de três anos letivos
Tags: Bachelors in Porto, Bachelors in Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Bedrijfsmanagement, Bachelors in Business Studies,
BachelorLicenciatura em Engenharia Geotécnica e Geoambiente
Porto Superior Institute of Engineering (ISEP)‣ Porto , Portugal
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Licenciatura em Engenharia Geotécnica e Geoambiente
Tags: Bachelors in Porto, Bachelors in Porto Superior Institute of Engineering, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Milieuwetenschappen, Bachelors in Milieustudies,
BScBachelor of Child Development
University of New York in Prague (UNYP)‣ Praag , Tsjechische Republiek
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4 jaar
93400 Kč
Bachelor of Child Development
Tags: Bachelors in Praag, Bachelors in University of New York in Prague, Bachelors in Tsjechische Republiek, Bachelors in Kindontwikkeling, Bachelors in Kinderopvang, Bachelors in Levensvaardigheden,
OnlineBachelorExecutive Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
SSBM - Swiss School of Business and Management (SSBM)‣ Geneva , Zwitserland
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3 years
15000 €
The Executive DBA doctoral program in business administration will challenge you to take your thinking and performance to a new level. You will become a recognized expert and contributor to the most important business and societal challenges.
Tags: Bachelors in Geneva Online, Bachelors in SSBM - Swiss School of Business and Management Online, Bachelors in Zwitserland Online, Bachelors in Business Administration Online, Bachelors in Internationale Bedrijfsadministratie Online, Bachelors in Business Studies Online,
BAUndergraduate in Social Education
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)‣ Leiria , Portugal
3 years
697 €
Undergraduate in Social Education
Tags: Bachelors in Leiria, Bachelors in Politécnico de Leiria, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Maatschappelijke hulpverlening, Bachelors in Maatschappelijk Werk, Bachelors in Sociale Wetenschappen,
BachelorFashion Coordination & Production Technician
Escola de Moda do Porto (EMP)‣ Porto , Portugal
3 years
470 €
The course offer students a Level IV qualification.
Tags: Bachelors in Porto, Bachelors in Escola de Moda do Porto, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Modemanagement, Bachelors in Managementstudies,
BABA (Hons) Organisational Communication with Media Management Degree
European School of Economics - Milan Campus (ESE Milan)‣ Milaan , Italië
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3 years
22000 €
This BA programme will allow you to develop strong analytical skills to understand the global business environment to be applied in both domestic and international markets.
Tags: Bachelors in Milaan, Bachelors in European School of Economics - Milan Campus, Bachelors in Italië, Bachelors in Mediamanagement, Bachelors in Media, Bachelors in Journalistiek en Massacommunicatie,
BScUndergraduate in Energy and Environmental Engineering
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)‣ Leiria , Portugal
3 years
697 €
Provides its graduates with competencies in the technological, ecological, socioeconomical....
Tags: Bachelors in Leiria, Bachelors in Politécnico de Leiria, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Hernieuwbare Energietechniek, Bachelors in Energietechniek, Bachelors in Energiestudies,
BachelorLicenciatura Informática
Instituto Universitário da Maia (ISMAI)‣ Maia , Portugal
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Licenciatura Informática
Tags: Bachelors in Maia, Bachelors in Instituto Universitário da Maia, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Computing, Bachelors in Computerwetenschappen, Bachelors in Technologiestudies,
BScBachelor of Political Science
University of New York in Prague (UNYP)‣ Praag , Tsjechische Republiek
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4 jaar
93400 Kč
Bachelor of Political Science
Tags: Bachelors in Praag, Bachelors in University of New York in Prague, Bachelors in Tsjechische Republiek, Bachelors in Politiek, Bachelors in Politicologie, Bachelors in Sociale Wetenschappen,
OnlineBachelorDouble Degree Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Strategic Management
SSBM - Swiss School of Business and Management (SSBM)‣ Geneva , Zwitserland
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3 years
12000 €
This unique double degree DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) program was designed in collaboration with EMAS (Eurasian Management and Administration School), one of the best business schools in Russia, voted #1 among schools offering online DBAs.
Tags: Bachelors in Geneva Online, Bachelors in SSBM - Swiss School of Business and Management Online, Bachelors in Zwitserland Online, Bachelors in Business Administration Online, Bachelors in Internationale Bedrijfsadministratie Online, Bachelors in Business Studies Online,
BScGraduate in Tourism and Hotel Management
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)‣ Leiria , Portugal
3 years
697 €
Graduate in Tourism and Hotel Management.
Tags: Bachelors in Leiria, Bachelors in Politécnico de Leiria, Bachelors in Portugal, Bachelors in Toerisme Management, Bachelors in Toerisme, Bachelors in Toerisme en Hospitality,
What is a Bachelor's Degree?
There are many students having doubts about bachelor's degree what a bachelor's degree program is but also wondering if a Higher Level Training Cycle is similar to a bachelor's degree. Don’t worry! Erasmusu is here to solve any doubts you may have.
A bachelor's degree, or baccalaureate, is known for being a major headache for every high school student. It is a higher education program offered by universities all over the world.
But, what is an official bachelor's degree? How beneficial is it to study a bachelor's degree? An academic undergraduate degree’s aim is to prepare the student within certain fields of specialization
There are several fields of study if we look at the wide range of degrees offered by universities, but even though we could divide them in different categories, the most important ones are Bachelor of Science (BSc), and Bachelor of Arts (BA).
What is a Double-Degree Program? What are the benefits of studying a Double-Degree Program?
We are used to hearing about undergraduate degree programs; however, it is common to have questions regarding other kinds of degree, such as double-degree programs. So, what are double-degree programs?
Generally speaking, an undergraduate double-degree program is a higher education program offered by many universities (recognized by Bologna Process in Spain and other european countries). This program consists of the combination of two different undergraduate degrees with common subjects.
By taking a double-degree, students will finish the degree program around two years later than a normal degree, but they will get the qualification for two degrees instead of one. Simple as that.
You’ll be now wondering then, should I study a degree or a double-degree? That depends on your goals. Having a double-degree qualification will give you the possibility to get a first-rate job given the fact that this kind of degree is less common and positively valued by most companies. However, you won’t be able to combine the degree programs as you please; you will need to check the undergraduate double-degree programs offered by each university and decide which one is for you.
Duration of a bachelor's degree program: How long does a bachelor's degree last?
In short, if you want to know how long a bachelor's degree lasts, you should probably be asking how many years does it take to get a bachelor's degree A bachelor's degree normally takes between 3 and 6 years depending on the field of study, on the university but also on the country.
Speaking about studying hours in a bachelor's degree, that will also depend on the specialization you choose and your dedication to the program. This is to say, the total number of hours in a bachelor's degree will depend on the total number of ECTS credits of the degree you choose (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, used in many european universities). In general, the number of ECTS credits make a total of around 1500 hours a year. There are some exceptions to this rule, for example a pharmacy degree or a medical degree will take longer than others.
ECTS credits: How many credits is a bachelor's degree?
As mentioned above, the total credits of a bachelor's degree equate to the total amount of hours that the student will take to finish the program.
First of all, it’s important to know that one credit is equal to 25 hours. The total amount of hours include lectures, seminars, practical lessons and study hours for each subject. So, if you’ve ever wondered how many credits are in a bachelor's degree, you need to take into account that an academic year equals 60 credits ECTS.
Considering that, in Spain, the total credits in a bachelor's degree are generally 240 ECTS you would need around 6000 hours to get your degree qualification.
Requirements to study a bachelor's degree
The requirements to study a bachelor's degree may vary depending on the university you choose, so it’s important to check the admission requirements before applying.
What do you need to do to study a bachelor's degree?
In general, the student needs to meet one of the following requirements to access to a bachelor's degree
- Having a high-school diploma (A-levels) equivalent to the level of pre-university education of the university’s country.
- Have successfully completed the University Access Test of the country, if applicable.
- Being a transfer student from another accredited university or college.
In addition to meeting one of the requirements above, depending on the university and the degree program, you will need to meet other conditions such as
- Language proficiency.
- Minimum grade (average of A-levels and University Access Test.>
- Subject-specific requirements.
On the other hand, don’t forget to check on the bachelor's degree scholarships available for your university and country, to access quality education no matter your income.
Being your doubts cleared, what are you waiting for? Take a look on our bachelor's degree list and choose the undergraduate program you've always dreamed of!