Bachelors en Informatietechnologie
BScBachelor of Information Technology
University of New York in Prague (UNYP)‣ Praag , Tsjechische Republiek
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4 jaar
93400 Kč
Bachelor of Information Technology
Tags: Bachelors in Praag, Bachelors in University of New York in Prague, Bachelors in Tsjechische Republiek, Bachelors in Informatietechnologiemanagement, Bachelors in Informatietechnologie, Bachelors in Technologiestudies,
BachelorBachelor of Applied Computer Sciences - major Cybersecurity
Howest University of Applied Sciences (HOWEST)‣ Kortrijk , België
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3 years
961 €
In this bachelor major you study the specific problems in the field of security.
Tags: Bachelors in Kortrijk, Bachelors in Howest University of Applied Sciences, Bachelors in België, Bachelors in Cyberbeveiliging, Bachelors in Informatietechnologie, Bachelors in Technologiestudies,
BachelorInformation Technology
Liepaja University (LIEPU)‣ Liepaja , Letland
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The main goal is to prepare highly qualified specialists in Information Technology,
Tags: Bachelors in Liepaja, Bachelors in Liepaja University, Bachelors in Letland, Bachelors in Informatietechnologiemanagement, Bachelors in Informatietechnologie, Bachelors in Technologiestudies,