stan zol

Città che segue

flag-pl Polonia

Luoghi di stan

  • Good Bye Lenin Hostel

    Hi there in Wroclaw  ;-) You may be wondering why i'm writing here as I'm not an Erasmus student in your city (and not even a student anymore  :-( Well no, but there's a good reason. I'm currently a manager of an amazing hostel in Zakopane called Good Bye Lenin and...

    0 , 12 anni fa
  • Good Bye Lenin Hostel

    Hi there in Warsaw! You may be wondering why i'm writing here as I'm not an Erasmus student in your city - and not even a student anymore. Well no, but there's a good reason. I'm currently a manager of an amazing hostel in Zakopane called Good Bye Lenin. Just in case...

    0 , 12 anni fa
  • Good Bye Lenin Hostel

    Hi there in Krakow ;-) You may be wondering why i'm writing here as I'm not an Erasmus student in your city (and not even a student anymore  :-( Well no, but there's a good reason. I'm currently a manager of an amazing hostel in Zakopane called Good Bye Lenin and I...

    0 , 12 anni fa

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