Rita Kamocsai

Programmi che segue

Città che segue

flag-pt Portogallo
flag-hu Ungheria

flag-hu Rita Kamocsai

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Attività di Rita

  • Coinquilino

    20 years old girl is looking for a single bed room in Lisbon

    Hi Everyone! I'm Rita from Hungary. I am looking for a single bed room in Lisbon, near to the Catholic University of Portugal. I do not have any pet, and I do not smoke. It is importnat me, in the room will be good wifi connection. I am clean, friendly, love football...

    in Coinquilini Lisbona, 7 anni fa
  • Forum

    Going to Lisbon

    Hi Everyone! I'm Rita from Hungary, and I will spend the spring semester 2017 in Lisbon.:) I hope, it will be great fun. I would be greatfull if someone could give me tipps, what I have to see, where can I eat, etc. in Lisbon.:)Actually, I am looking for a room near to...

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