Attività di Rafa Lopez
Experience in European University of Madrid, Spain by Rafa López
Generally, what is the European University of Madrid like? It is a university that can give you many good surprises. I am quite happy with it, but you have to be careful with administrative issues, for example, because in my case they totally ruined my Erasmus Learning...
Experience in Cologne, Germany by Rafa López
What is the student lifestyle like in Cologne? Not bad, there are a lot of parties, but maybe you are not in the mood if you are going to party with -7ºC and the party ends at 3am. However there is a surprise: the U-Bahn (el Metro) works all the night during the...
Erasmus Colonia 2014 / 2015 (Español)
Hola buenas, estaba leyendo esto y queria comentar que yo, a la vista de lo dificil que les resulta a los caseros el responder emails, me vine a colonia la semana pasada, a un hotel, y en 3 dias ya encontre casa, hay diferentes sitios donde podeis verlo como Wimdu, pero...
por Rafa Lopez en Forum Erasmus Colonia