Attività di Pilar
Experience in Córdoba, Spain by Pilar
What is it like to live in Córdoba? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? There are a lot of festive days like the feria, los patios, la noche del flamenco... it is a very andalusian city and it shows. It is not that rare to hear someone playing guitar and...
Hi, my name is Pilar. I wil be attending for the months of august and september at the veterinary medicine faculty
Hi, my name is Pilar. I wil be attending for the months of august and september at the veterinary medicine faculty. I am an exchange student from the university of cordoba. I need a room for two months and if it is possible near the veterinary faculty. I dont mind the...
in Coinquilini Merelbeke, 5 anni fa