Attività di Martina
Ciao!!! Is there anyone going to study at UEK (iviversity of economics) for winter semester 22-23?
Ciao! ho già trovato, grazie mille?
por Martina en Forum Erasmus Cracovia -
24 italian girl studying at CUE (University of Economics Cracow) 9-22/2-23
Hello people! Still looking for flatmates to share a flat near the city center. I'm going to study at university of economics for winter semester 2022-23 and I'd like to find someone else going to study there. I'm 24 and I come from Rome, Italy! :) I like to hang out...
in Coinquilini Cracovia, 2 anni fa -
Ciao!!! Is there anyone going to study at UEK (iviversity of economics) for winter semester 22-23?
Ciao!!! Is there anyone going to study at UEK (university of economics) for winter semester 22-23? I'm italian, 24, and I'd like to find new flatmates (or just friends). If anyone interested send me a dm :D Have a nice one!!
por Martina en Forum Erasmus Cracovia -
24 italian girl studying at CUE (University of Economics Cracow) 9-22/2-23
Hello everyone! I'm Martina and I'm 24. I'm an italian girl currently studying in Rome but I'm going to move to Cracow on sept 22 to attend the winter semester at CUE (Cracow University of Economics). Looking for flat mates to share a place in between the university...
in Coinquilini Cracovia, 2 anni fa