Attività di Marika
22 years old girl, looking for a roommate in Antwerp, I am Georgian, from Tbilisi, I am going to study law in Antwerp Universit
I am easy going, sociable and friendly person without any specific needs or traits, I am looking for a girl roommate, without pets :) I am going to study law in Antwerp University, it'm my first experiance in living abroad, so I'd like to have friendly roommate. I am...
in Coinquilini Anversa, 11 anni fa -
Erasmus Antwerp 2013 / 2014 (English)
Hello, My name is Mariam, and I am going to study Law for a 10 month in Antwerp University, I am from Georgia (country), so if there anyone like me prlease let me know, thank you :)
por Marika en Forum Erasmus Anversa