Attività di Marco
Come non rimorchiare ragazze durante il tuo anno all'estero
Potresti aver sempre sognato di incontrare una spagnola dalla carnagione olivastra o un'italiana dai capelli neri perfetti e non sarebbe umano se tu non avessi mai fantasticato su tutti i diversi tipi di persone che stai per andare ad incontrare durante il tuo...
Università-Politecnico di Milano
Ciao ragazzi, Voglio condividere con voi la mia esperienza legata all'ambiente di studio e universitario italiano.. Come ben potete capire dal titolo di questo post, l'università che frequentai fu il Politecnico di Milano. Li ho frequentato come come studentessa...
Erasmus Rennes 2016 / 2017 (English)
Probably on the 11 or the 12 of September, that on the 13 there will be one week of compulsory orientation week. u? however have u already start to look for a flat?
por Marco en Forum Erasmus Rennes -
Erasmus Rennes 2016 / 2017 (English)
Hey Ali, me too i am going to attend the msc of international finance, but only as exchange students during the fall semester. glad to start knowing people of my future course.
por Marco en Forum Erasmus Rennes -
Erasmus Rennes 2016 / 2017 (English)
Hi Alina:), damn that was such a good news. But me too, since I will be in the same university of Marina, I have to start looking for a share flat. By the way thank you girls for all the usefull information:)
por Marco en Forum Erasmus Rennes -
Erasmus Rennes 2016 / 2017 (English)
Ok. Unfortunately, i will follow the postgraduate course of international finance. By the way let's keep in contact:)
por Marco en Forum Erasmus Rennes -
Erasmus Rennes 2016 / 2017 (English)
Ahaha you are right, but which kind of international student's program are you going to follow there? About accomodation I think that I will look for an apartment offer by ESC Rennes.I hope to find a good solution. Accoding to what I have read , in the CROUS residence...
por Marco en Forum Erasmus Rennes -
Erasmus Rennes 2016 / 2017 (English)
Hi Marina, i will be in Rennes in the same period at the same university, and don't worry you are not the only one to be lost, me too. I'm starting right now to try discovering something about the city:), since only one week ago i only knew that it was located in France
por Marco en Forum Erasmus Rennes -
Rennes 2016-2017
Hi everyone, i'm going to Rennes for an exchange program from September to December 2016, to ESC Rennes. Who else is going there?
por Marco en Forum Erasmus Rennes