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ELE Certified Spanish Teacher since 2011

  • flag-es Aina · Insegna: Spagnolo
    Parla: IngleseC1 · SpagnoloNative · FranceseA1 · ItalianoC1 · CatalanoNative · NorvegeseA1

I use the communicative teaching method, so my students start speaking from the very first lesson, even when it is their first contact with the Spanish language.
I teach in Barcelona city and online.
My classes last 1h30min. Prices are € 35 if I shift to the student's home or € 30 if the class is online.
For shorter lessons of just 1 hour, the only option is online and the price is € 25.

4 anni fa

Tags: Lezioni

25 € / all'ora

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